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Name: wallustp
[ Original Post ]
I started dating my fiancee when her son was just over a month old. We have dated for 2 years now and just recently got engaged, and recently found out I will be a father around April 28th or so. I"m excited about the baby and getting married to her but we are both worried about her son calling me by name when the baby gets here. She has left it up to me whether or not he should call me dad and i would have no problems with it but i'm NOT his dad. I told her I would like to adopt him after we are married and she loves the idea, the biological father has seen his son, who is 2 years old now, only 2 times and none in the past year or more. As of now he calls me by my name, but what should he call me? I don't like the idea of a teenage boy calling me Will. It seems like it would make discipline a lot harder. He is a great kid now and minds better than any of my nephews or nieces ever did but I'm sure that will change. Help?!
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