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Name: Jasonmom2009
[ Original Post ]
My son is two and a half year old son who is getting evaluatedon tuesday to me it just his langauge he love to.play games to be read to, he love to do puzzle he always looks at you and love people but he barely listen to is name he know maybe 30 words but he dont use them in sentence. I am worried about what he might diagnotise with...
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Name: Edwardliu | Date: Jan 2nd, 2012 7:38 PM
It was very common that we did not want our kids get autism. No matter what he got, he still needed the help. My son first diagnosis is global delay with autistic feature when he was two years and four months. I wish my son just delay. When my ST pointed out my son's autism, I still want him to be delayed. Luckily I did EI, ST, OT to him. Specially bio-medical from DAN doctors. My son now is just five. He made his friends now. He Will go to the mainstream school kindergarten by the end of January. He is very good at reading. Comprehension still behinds. Math is very OK. 

Name: Grandma Karen | Date: Jan 14th, 2013 1:35 PM
Do not worry prematurely. Hold a positive image of the doctor telling you the best, and stick with it. Do not borrow tomorrows worries today.
Grandma Karen 

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