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Name: kristina
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What is the longest amount of time you are suppose to breastfeed????
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Name: Melissa | Date: Dec 31st, 2006 6:43 PM
it varies from woman to woman, baby to baby. i'm still breastfeeding my son and he is almost 15 months old, but some women stop at a 1. the World Health Organization reccomends nursing for at least until age 2. the AAP reccomends at least until age 1 but after that
"as long as desired by mother and baby". there really isn't any set time limit on breastfeeding. any amout of breastmilk your baby gets is good! 

Name: zoey9810 | Date: Dec 31st, 2006 10:43 PM
ill probably breastfeed my baby for 8+ months 

Name: peggy30 | Date: Jan 1st, 2007 7:37 AM
I breast feed until it is right for me and my baby to stop. My first I breast fed until she was 8 weeks (I went back to school 10 days after she was born), the second it was 10 months (that was when he got his first teeth and he kept biting and that was the end of that) and the third it is 4 months and going strong. I never set a goal of 1 year or 2 years or whatever, it was when it was right for us. 

Name: dolette | Date: Jan 1st, 2007 6:16 PM
as long as you are comfortable. my aunt breastfeed for 3 years 

Name: kdk | Date: Jan 1st, 2007 6:25 PM
Hi Kristina,
I nursed my first one until she was 3 and my second one for about 9 months. I found it depended on the child somewhat. My older daughter loved to nurse. My younger one nursed to eat and that was it. 

Name: bmes | Date: Jan 1st, 2007 9:54 PM
in some countries women are breastfeeding five year olds.....it all depends on what you're comfortable with a guess. some only do it for a few months others a couple of years. for me personally i wouldn't feel comfortable breastfeeding a 2 year old, but that doesn't mean it's wrong to do. as long as you can is the best....I would have liked to breastfeed my baby for about one year, but I got pregnant when Anika was 5 months old, and I just stopped producing milk, which nobody told me could happen!! :-( if I had kown that it was a possibility, my hubby and I would have been a little more careful...oh well...at least she got 5 months of it anyways!! :-) 

Name: Melissa | Date: Jan 2nd, 2007 1:04 AM
bmes- i still can't belive that your doctor didn't tell you that it was a possible to get preg. while breastfeeding. i would have had a "heated" discussion with mine if i would have been in your position. 

Name: bmes | Date: Jan 2nd, 2007 3:08 AM
I KNOW!!!!! right after I had Anika the doc told me about using a form of birth control and all that....but it took my hubby and I 3 years to have Anika so we were both like, well how long will it take for the next one??? you know....so I told my doctor that we weren't using anything....anyways, when I went into the doc when Anika started to loose weight cause she wasn't getting enough food, the doctor just did a blood test for my thyroid. i guess if you get thyroid problems that can effect you breast milk...well that came back neg. and then about a month ago we were talking to a public health nurse about the whole thing and she was the one that said, well no wonder you stopped producing...you got pregnant!!! so I told my doctor this, and she was like "oh yeah....i should have done a preg test on you..i don't know why i didn't think of that...i knew you guys weren't using any contraseptives...." UGH.....if I had known all this, we would have used a condom or something, just so I could breastfeed Anika for a little while longer!! OH well!!! what can you do now eh??? she's healthy and we're happy anyways that I'm preg again!! :-) 

Name: babygirlsmom1005 | Date: Jan 6th, 2007 7:30 AM
It depends. My daughter is 15 months old and nursing 8-12 times daily. I plan on letting her self-wean or naturally wean, which means if she is 2 when she weans, that is fine or if she is 4 when she weans, that is fine also. It's a personal decision. The WHO (or World Healt Org.) recommends min. of 2 years and the AAP (American Academy of Pedi) recommends min of 1 year or however long it is mutualy desired by both baby and mom. Good Luck!!! 

Name: marija | Date: Jan 7th, 2007 3:27 AM
i dont understand how you lose milk when your pregnant..my mother breastfed us all consecutively...she never said she lost milk...plus i watched my family and friends tandem feed...they didnt lose milk either....does it vary from person to person?..ive never heard of it before 

Name: Melissa | Date: Jan 7th, 2007 4:11 AM
i'm not bmes but i'll answer your question. every woman is different. some woman still have milk but other completly dry up and everything in between. on of my friends just didn't have as much so she had to supplement, she didn't have to quit completly though, but some woman do. it all as to do with how the hormones affect you. i can always tell when my period is coming on because i don't get as much if i pump. even that little jump in hormones affects mine. hope this answered your question. 

Name: bmes | Date: Jan 9th, 2007 2:52 AM
sorry I was gone to the Kootneys to visit family and just got back.....Melissa is right...everyone is different. Lots of women can still breastfeed while pregnant, but my hormones just reacted differently and apparently it can happen that way!! I did try to still breastfeed her when I started to give her formula but once she got that bottle of formula, i don't know what happened, whether she just thought, "well this is much easier", she just didn't want my breast anymore, and NOTHING came out when I pumped. there was soooo little left in there it just wasn't working for us!! I know it sounds strange. Believe me, I was just as surprised when I found out. But now I know, and once my new baby comes into this world i will be more careful with getting pregnant, cause I would really like to breastfeed for at least a year! :-) 

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