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Name: Heather10191
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If anyone has a rabbit, do you have any ideas for how to play with them, or ideas for toys for them? I have a rabbit, but i really don't know how to make them play, or at least make them happy. Thank you all.
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Name: Jason | Date: Jul 3rd, 2006 6:56 AM
Our rabbit is Michy. He is a "free range" rabbbit (he is not in a pen). He also weighs in around 18-20 lbs. His idea of a toy may vary from smaller rabbits. I dont know. Petco carries toys designed for rabbits - basicall wood items that they can chew on. Rabbits like to be able to pick items up in their mouth and "toss" them, over and over. Michy also like to play with the small soccer balls. If alone, he will push it around with his face, I guess their way of chasing it or if you push the ball toward him he will kick it back at you. While all of these are great, and granted not every rabbit is the same, his favorite toys are legos. I can not count the number of times I have heard my son yelling at the rabbit, like he is a kid brother, because Michy destroyed hours of lego building. If legos are out, he is there. He loves to take them apart and toss them around. And although he will chew to shreads almost anything else, he doesnt leave teeth marks in legos. Hope this gives you some ideas. If you do go to Petco, I recomment the blocks over the crayons. 

Name: Stacy | Date: Jul 6th, 2006 3:02 PM
I had a holland lop Boulder, like Mitchy he was a "free range" house bunnie. He loved empty toilet paper rolls. I would stand them up & he would pick them up & throw them, or run & knock them down. He also had Petsmart toys balls.... His favorite was a pear shaped rabbit, the bottom was weighted (like a weeble wobble), the sides were open so you can put treats in it. Then when the rabbit knows it over or throws it they get e little treat. He also loved to play with our cats... Strange I know, but they really did get along well. 

Name: Stacy | Date: Jul 6th, 2006 3:03 PM
He was a Holland Lop rabbit, named Boulder..... sorry for any confusion 

Name: Rick | Date: Sep 6th, 2006 6:58 PM
We have 3 rabbits. Rabbits need space to run and play, not sit in a cage all the time. Let your rabbit run in the most spacious room in your home. Make sure they can't reach electrical cords and put bitter apple spray on baseboards and furniture so they won't chew. Blocks of wood and twigs make good toys as well as toilet paper rolls stuffed with timothy hay. We always get on the floor and stroke them. All of ours love this and will chatter their teeth which is the equivalent of cats' purring. 

Name: Jesusplaymate | Date: Sep 8th, 2006 2:21 PM
You can spend special little moments with them. My name is Jesusplaymate, & I have a Golden-& Black- Flopy Eared Bunny Rabbit Named Lola. I definitly know how you feel. I usually pet her, at night I stick my fingers through the cage &let her lick my fingers(she & other bunnies like the salt, you can buy salt wheels, and bunny treats at you local Wal-Mart.) Give your bunny some running room out side. If you don't have a fence, chase her (gently) tell she/he understands not to go there. And edventually your bunny will return your love. 

Name: ida | Date: Sep 12th, 2007 2:21 PM
We have a pet rabbit who had 3 babys on sept 5 1 died yesterday. Is that normal? 

Name: lilguppie | Date: Jun 2nd, 2012 2:53 AM
I had a pet rabbit. each rabbit is different. However my rabbit loved a ball a reed ball I got at the pet store. He would roll it with his nose and lift it above his head and move it aroound his cage. It was his favorite. He liked to shred and make things out of paper.( news paper old ads etc) He lliked to lay and sit on the paper. One lady had a rabbit that loved a wooden spoon and took it from room to room, any where he went the spoon went. My rabbit would throw most store bought toys out. Read on line about how to care for your rabbit and keep asking others. They are grand pets. One lady had a rabbit that liked to make things outta paper and chewed out a heart shape one day. Good luck with your pet rabbit. 

Name: Lil Miss | Date: Jul 10th, 2014 12:24 PM
Good afternoon all,

I just wanted to ask a question.

My little Lilly is 1st time mum (well... hoping she will be soon).

She is exactly 33 days pregnant today, but there are no signs of her getting ready to have the little wonders :) .... i checked her yesterday and she has 2 (I could ony feel 2 babies). She is eating as normal and drinking, sleeping a lot in her nesting box (not pooping), she hasnt pulled fur..... she has become super friendly (she is normally were terittorial) and she wants me to pet her all the time!

Please help... any info will be helpful....
I just want to know if this is something someone else has gone though?

Thank you all x 

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