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Name: Karen
[ Original Post ]
Hello fellow sahm's, I'm Karen (16) and new momma to darling Caitlin (b. 3/31/06) as well as essentially the role of mother to my little sister (11) and brother (8) (I've lived with my aunt since I was 8 and them both since birth...so I've helped quite a bit in raising them). I also tend (or will resume tending soon...once caitlin is 5 weeks old) a 4 year old girl on MWF. I'm here looking for some new friends as well as to ask a few mother questions. I'm a breast feeding momma and have heard both sides of this stick...I've been told by two of my cousins and Dr. Spock to give Caitlin an occasional bottle...one a day...so she gets used to it before she's too opinionated. But my neighbor ("natural" momma) and la leche league swear by the philosophy "don't let a bottle in your house." I'm leaning more towards THEIR idea...I plan on nursing Cait her entire first year. Should I follow the majority's advice and give Caitlin a daily ba-ba...so when the day comes to wean her she'll accept the rubber nipple? Or should I stick to my guns and not let one of those plastic contraptions anywhere near us? I'm also hesistant because I've heard and read from other sources that babies who are fed by both often come to prefer the rubber nipple...but I would assume that's those who are given MORE than one bottle per day. I'd love to hear your experiences with feeding your own whether breast or bottle! Second question...Caitlin's father is coming for his first visit tonight from (should be) 5-7 and bringing his new girlfriend ... who has a 3 year old son. He voluntarily acknowledged paternity BEFORE Caitlin was born....which I'm still thrilled but at the same time worried about the fact since he didn't openly admit he was the father until he'd been dating this girl a little while (he acknowledged paternity during my 8th month of preggers). I know this sounds HORRIBLE...but I have my worries that this is all an act he's putting on for his girlfriend...and that if and when they break up his involvement with Cait will die off. Is that awful of me or what? I just wonder if my concerns are well founded...my aunt tells me I'm stupid to even put up with him...but he's my little girl's daddy. My best friend thinks I'm worried over nothing and that he is comitted to being a father...which openly admitting paternity without a fight (although which is simply what a decent guy would do) would to some degree prove. Bottom line is i want for Cait to feel secure...as very young as she is. Well we're gonna go stroll around the house (I wear Cait in the snugli almost constantly : )...but I hope to get to know you all better and that I can find an online home here

mY baBy iS 5 daYs oLd toDaY

swEeT 16 yEaRs oLd

caLdwElL, idaHo

[email protected]

saHm tO caiTliN b. maRcH 31, 2006, big siSteR tO maRy catHeRinE (11) aNd miTcHelL (8) aNd baBySitTeR oF naTaLiE (4) on mWf

LiSa siMpsOn: mOm, roMaNcE iS dEaD. iT waS acQuiRed iN a hOsTiLe taKeoVer bY haLlMaRk and diSnEy, hoMogeNizEd, aNd tHen soLd oFf piEce bY piEce.

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Name: Sarah M | Date: Apr 5th, 2006 3:49 PM
My daughter didnt need a bottle after 1 yrs old so if you plan on breastfeeding till 1 dont even do the bottle thing unless you will have her go to a sitter or be away for a few hours then you have no other choice. And about the babys dad thingy if he wants to try and be there for her why stop him cause if you just tell him you want nothing to do with him you will never know. So see how he acts around the baby when his gf is around and when she is not. Just see it as a good thing until it proves otherwise 

Name: kylie | Date: Apr 6th, 2006 4:26 AM
welcom and hope u get the support and fun u need 

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