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Name: MomOfOneSon
[ Original Post ]
Hi everyone,

My name is Amy. I am the mother of a six-year-old boy and a Master’s student in child development. As both a parent and student I am fascinated by the ways children play and interact with others. My goal is to get a better understanding of the ways in which play influences development.

To achieve this goal I would like to combine hundreds of reports from parents, who are the experts on their child's development. That means I need to find a lot of parents who are willing to share!

Specifically I am looking for parents with children between 1 and 3-years-old who would be interested in completing an online questionnaire (about 20 minutes in length).

The link is www.babyplaystudy.org.

If you personally know any parents that might be interested in these studies, and if you could forward this information on to them I would be very grateful.

Thank you for your time,
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