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Name: navynoodle
[ Original Post ]
Hi I'm Nolan, I have a 4yr old son with autism. They say he's on the high end of the spectrum. My bigest issue with adjusting is controling myself. I have a 12yr old and its been hard for me to adjust my expectations to meet the needs of my autistic 4yr old. i guess my real question is how do i keep from loosing my cool with him when it feals like he's being malicious? I know at this point he is unable to act out on purpose, but its still hard.
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Name: actnow25 | Date: Dec 21st, 2012 3:08 PM
Hi Nolan! I, too, have a 4 year old autistic son and boy, is it TOUGH! The outbursts, hitting, running away in public, everything is so hard. I wish I had a definitive answer for you, but I dont. I've been told to just walk away and he will learn that his actions wont get a reaction. I sometimes just go downstairs and throw a load of laundry in...something to get me away from a difficult situation, even if it is for a few minutes. If you hear of any good suggestions I would LOVE to hear about them., Good luck! 

Name: Anuna | Date: Dec 26th, 2012 11:32 AM
Hi Nolan,
I absolutely get how it feels to be a mom in your position. I would suggest you to take him to behavioral training sessions. Early intervention is key. You may have to consider getting him speech and language development apps like Avaz. Check out more @ www.avazapp.com/features 

Name: Grandma Karen | Date: Jan 3rd, 2013 11:17 PM
You acknowledged that you know that your son's behavior is not malicious. Time out is important for you when you feel that you are going to lose your cool. You are trying to cope with a mysterious disorder that is at the very least challenging. I raised my severely autistic grandson since birth. He is now 12 yrs, old and in a group home. I visit him, but my heart is still very much broken. I too had problems coping with his behavior, and I am dealing with guilt. If you want to email me, you can [email protected]. Always remember that you are not alone.

Name: AutismTutor | Date: Jan 13th, 2013 4:35 AM
Start by catching your son doing something good. If he is sitting quietly, praise him and reward him with a little toy or a hug or tickle, for instance. If he is acting out, go deadpan and refuse to look at him.

At present, your son feels that acting out negatively is the only way to get your attention. You've got to turn the tables on him and get him to start working for your POSITIVE attention. :)


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