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Name: Lovemymbabies
[ Original Post ]
I tried breastfeeding in the hospital and got very frustrated with the lack of help
From the lactation specialist. I gave up. Since then we have switched types of formulas 3 times and just switched from powder to concentrate. He's still gassy and constipated. I regret not trying harder and called the wic counselor. She told me it was not too late... I tried again and he is too used to a bottle. I'm kicking my own self right now. He can't figure my breast out. Would a nipple guard give him the texture he is used to? I'm not having anymore children being I also have a 5 year daughter and I really wanted to breastfeed. Help!!!
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Name: Lovemymbabies | Date: Apr 19th, 2011 9:31 PM
Also, he will turn 7 weeks old in 2 days. 

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