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Name: Max
[ Original Post ]
I've been married since I was 18 when girlfriend at the time told me she was pregnant. Now forward 20+ years later. I've had a rough time dealing with emotions and have been seeing a counsler for a couple of years on and off. I just realized that I love my wife for being there, being an unbelievable mom to the kids and taking care of the household. I just don't have "it" for her. It feels like we live together and occasionally have sex. We're not best friends, we don't go to each other first if there is a problem or big news. We have 8 yrs till the youngest goes to college. Its not horrible but manageble. She buries herself in the kids and I bury myself in work & kids. It's kinda of a bland life. Neither wants a divorce but both secretly want out. I've tried to "love" her but its hard after so many years of bland.
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Name: ann | Date: Nov 21st, 2008 5:52 PM
Bland ....try this and you might turn bland into UNBELIEVEABLE.Start by making a date night...Just one night a week SURPRISE her and make arrangements for a family member or baby sitter..Take her to the movies or out to eat or something that is special to her ..it does not have to be about $$ if it is warm where you live take her on a picnic or a long walk. The change will start when you make time for each other. DO NOT force anything....date her like you did when you were young. Another suggestion is getting a booked called "The Love Dare". It might help also. Also on your date nights don't expect sex! When Sex is Expected it is NOT ROMANTIC. Make sure during these date nights to recall things you love about her today!! Kiss her on the cheek hold her hand tell her you love her. You might even take a weekend away or an over night trip if money permits you to do so, or just send the kids to grandmas and cook for her and hang out at home JUST the two of you and watch movies!!!!
I will say that sex is important to bind the two of you together. If sex is very limited you and she both will feel with drawn and un loved! So you do need to make time for that. But as a woman I will say that it is hard to be interested in sex when you have worked all day, cleaned and cooked, took care of the kids.....it is impossible to "feel sexy" after all of that....so HELP her all you can. Do dishes and laundry, help do homework. It is not the 50's where most women stay home and WE are EXHAUSTED by the end of the day. Let her go take a bubble bath while you clean up the kithen. (and sometimes don't expect sex for it) The more help you give her the more she will appreciate you, and less stressed she will be....ultimately more sex, and coming closer together. Let me know, and PLEASE buy the book it is GREAT. Let me know how it works out...I just want to say one thing....make it work because I share kids with my ex because he has a temper and did a lot of bad things to me...and it SUCKS sharing kids!!! It does not matter how old they are it is impossible and you will miss out on their lives. So no matter what make it work...unless there is abuse and then you leave no matter what! 

Name: Max | Date: Nov 21st, 2008 10:19 PM
Date night sounds like a good idea, but hard to implement. Three kids - spread in ages, tons of activities, work. I know that we need to spend time together, just harder than it sounds. I do help around house a lot. I cook, do dishes and do some laundry, help with homework. I leave for work at 6am get home at 6:30pm. I would like to come home and not be a second class citizen. Kids first, Dad second. I guess I'm complaining and just venting. I know its partially my fault, but Im tired of being the one to make the romantic moves. I guess I also feel insecure. I'm balding, a little heavy and shes tall, thin and still a looker. I'll get some more firewood and make something nice to eat and sit around the fireplace. Snowing tonite so I'll try to make it romantic. 

Name: fadi | Date: Jan 5th, 2009 3:51 PM
am so sexe 

Name: Stevo | Date: Oct 17th, 2011 11:51 PM
Listen to ANN,
Read "The Love Dare" :D 

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