I bet ou go into labor tonight or tomorrow...how many weeks are you? ↑ |
YAY!!!!! Hope you have you wee one soon!!!! membrane stripping sucks huh, I had that done as well ouchie!!!!! Did she say your cervix is still posterior, that may be why she had to dig ↑ |
yay baby might be here soon... finally!! ↑ |
YaY hope you go soon!!! ↑ |
I can't remember the exact term she used m25, but I think it was posterior. Does your cervix change positions then? I hope so because I know there is going to be lots of poking and prodding and I dont' want them to have to do that much digging everytime.
Kristy I had two due dates, one is for today and that was by my 1st ultrasound, and one is for Sunday and that's by my last period, which I was kind of guessing on. So even though the Dr.'s office is going off the 29th I was hoping more for today. =) ↑ |
yes as you get closer or it could happen while in labor your cervix moves to anterior...forward, posterior is pointing to your back thats why they dig ↑ |