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Name: JaegerJen
[ Original Post ]
Hi all, I need your help, I had my period on the 1st Feb and finished it on the 5th. My partner and I had unprotected sex about the 8th Feb. We really want to be pregnant this month, I know it's very early, but I've done about 10 tests so far, I have 4 of the clear blue plus/minus tests come back with an extremely faint (EXTREMELY FAINT) positive lines. 3 digital tests were negative and 3 early first response tests were negative. Am I being too hasty or could I be pregnant? How soon is too soon and when should I retest? please help
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Name: neptunelouse | Date: Feb 28th, 2012 7:12 PM
Hi there =)

If you have a regular 28 day cycle then your ideal day to concieve would be the 14th day of your cycle, where day 1 is the day you start your period.

If you are getting a positive result on your pregnancy test then that is a sure indicator that you are pregnant, no matter how faint it is, but because you didn't concieve on the 14th then your pregnancy may end extremely early as it was not "ideal". Its harsh but that's the best way I can explain it.

There's a terrible statistic that around 80% of pregnancies end very very soon after conception, so that the woman doesn't even suspect a thing and her next period happens as normal or is just a few days late. The reason for this is, every step your body takes in the early stages to ensure a successful pregnancy is carefully timed by your body(eg, releasing the egg, implantation, etc). Because you had sex so early, this messes up the timing and some steps won't happen as they should, which would result in an early miscarriage.

Anyway, I may be wrong, but anyway it is still too early for a test to come back strong. You should wait til a few days after your missed period at the very least, you're better off taking it again next week sometime. Stick to the cheap, simple pregnancy tests as they are the most reliable. The expensive ones take more of the pregnancy hormone to show up positive.

If you are pregnant, and it does follow through, congrats! If not, remember next month, to increase your chances of getting pregnant you should have sex on the 14th day and refrain from having sex at least 2 days prior to this. This is because the man's sperm takes two days to mature, and immature sperm is less likely to get you pregnant.

Sorry if this is TMI, but I hope I'e helped. Good luck! =) 

Name: JaegerJen | Date: Feb 28th, 2012 9:12 PM
Hi there, thanks so much for your response. I took 2 more of the same test today 6 hours apart and again i got the same faint positives. I understand what you're saying about the early possible miscarraige which i really hope doesnt happen. I really hope these tests aren't leading me down the garden path. I will respond next week and let you know the digital result.. hugs xxx 

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