Hi all!!!
Just wanted to let know I'm ok. The reson I was not here for a while was b/c Cox cable disconected us due to an interfirence that came from our house to the neigbors. We've had so much troble with them before, plus that are not cheap. My hub got fed-up and decided to swich to DSL and setelight dish (spell). We are way hapier now.
I will be 37 weeks tomorow and today I've got my weekly apointment.
My hub and I hired a doula, and I'm working on hypnobirthing as some of you know, I'm planing on having a natural birth unless there are complications.
Don't hate me but I've got only 1 strach mark :) My Dr told me it will be the only one I'll get. Also no Lina nigera. I'm not sure if I can still get it, I'll ask.
I'm feeling the end and I'm very excited!!! I have no fear of giving birth, just looking forward :)
I missed you all!!! Please feel free to update even just few words. I know Coartney gave birth :) Wow! ↓
I'm glad everything is ok...my husbands cousin is a doula and i think shes is going to be in the room with me....what is hypnobirthing? ↑ |
Hypnobirthing consists of a series of relaxation techniques used to help laboring mothers to decrease pain and emotional stress of childbirth without the use of drugs. Hypnobirthing is a form of self-hypnosis used primarily during an unmedicated vaginal delivery.
There is tons of info online and in literature :) ↑ |
oh wow...good luck with that!! I hope it goes well ↑ |
Vm2B, Glad to hear from you again, I was wondering what had happened.
Girl I am doing epidural..... the less pain the better.. LOL ;o)
Miles will be here any minute!!!!
Are you sticking with Miles or have decided to change it? ↑ |
Hey V/M
good to hear everything is going great, you can go anytime now how exciting, I never got any stretch marks either.
I hope you get a natural birth, its funny I kinda enjoyed my labor, its such a amazing experince, and the pain is only really for that moment, you know your not going to be in that much pain for long, and after its all done I forgot all about it.
Good Luck with everything keep us posted!!! ↑ |
I found my breathing excerise helped thoughout my whole labor, my husband was my rock during it too( sometimes I forgot to breath lol))) ↑ |
hey vm2b sounds like everything is going great! im 28 weeks now! i cant believe how fast time is flying. and yet i still have so much to do so i really want time to slow down lol. you are due may 12th right. i remember this because it is the day of my baby shower! ↑ |
lol the only stretch marks i have are on my butt!! and a little on ym thigh, im pissed lol but hopefully i wont get any more im one week behind you, 3 weeks and 6 days left to go!! i cant wait, and im also doing the Natural birth, well im gonna try my hardest with out the epidural ↑ |
I have stretchmarks on my breasts and on the side of my legs from when I was a little chunkier... or as my friend puts it I wasn't a sumo or anything but our bodies are meant to be a certain size and our skin has different elasticity and I just out did mine (I wasn't like biggest loser fat I was just 90kg back then). I know I won't be overly worried about stretchmarks when I am pregnant (I hope) but I think my dh will be, I am more worried about saggy skin afterwards. It sounds like VeggieMom2B is super lucky, I bet you have beautiful skin. ↑ |
I've started to use stretchmark cream every evening to improve my skin's elacticity. I don't have any yet, but then I'm still only 20-weeks. I found out 3 days ago that I'm having a boy, and that he's healthy. :) Good to hear you're doing fine. Looking forward to hearing when you have your baby! ↑ |
DaneseS, Thank you very much! I do need need lots of luck, but I'm prety confident I can do this.
Logan, I am more afraid of epidural then giving birth -lol, but this is not why I'm doing this. How is your pregnancy going?
How far along are you by now? How are you dealing with the hormonal depression??? a few month ago, I started taking omega 3 and DHA supliments, and I must say, it made a BIG diffrence. Pregnancy no mutter what is still a hard thing but I can cop much better, and now I'm looking forward to meet my Miles :) :) :)
Connie, How's little Xavier doing? seem like he was born a long time ago already. I have no fear of the pain, I'm almost looking forward for it :-p Just looking forward for Miles. I'm also learning, breathing/relaxing tecnics, and also self hypnisis and visualization (sp?). Hopefully with my hub, doula, and all that together will work for the best. If not, the option of epi. is always there.
Nikkis, Glad to hear all is well with you! You are close to being 30 weeks now!!! and yes, time is flying by. We went from there is so much time to we've got no time at all. You can never feel like you are ready enough! My due date is May 10-15th so yes, good memory!!! Good luck with the baby shower!!!
Zoey, I wonder which one of us will give birth first. Tecnically we both can do any day now, but I don't think Miles will be here too soon. I think he likes it inside, and not in a rush to get out hehe. I'm also like you, counting the days. I'm not to the point were I can't take it any longer, I'm also look more like 6-7 month then 9 month. People ask me how many more month and I laugh. I'm also glad you and connie didn't get strach marks as well. Acording to my doc, at this point you won't get them but I've heard it can be not true, and some women do get them towards the end...I'm crossing fingers for you and me!
Thanks a mom2b!!! I've also got some light SM on my brests from loosing waight. I've went from 34C to B and now I'm I'm almost double D :-D My belly is as smooth as baby bottom though :-p
I'm also worried a little about suggy skin afterwords, but I'm planing to get back in shape very soon after Miles will be born, but that is also for my spirit. Are you ttc? If yes, I hope you'll get preg. soon!!!
And finally Brisis, Glad to hear all is well with you! Welcome to having a boy club! Originally I wanterd a girl but now I'm excited it's a boy! Congratulations and good luck. I'm also praying for no SM for ya as well :) Arent we about the same age? I'm 34 and this is my first :)
Sorry for not being here so much, wish I had more time but I feel like time is runing out. I'll try to update every ones in a while and I hope you'll do the same, even only a few words here and there.
VM2B ↑ |
I am now 21 weeks.
My depression was gone by week 14. Thank God!!!!!
Feeling pretty good and growing a nice looking belly, well at least I think so.. LOL
I cant believe your 37 weeks already... Any pictures of your belly posted in your journal? ↑ |
yup, we can both go at any time, im hoping that he isnt coming out any time soon though, he had to come late, so any day after the 17th is good, or else my husband is gonna miss it! its funny when people say how far along are you and im like ummm like 4 more weeks lol then they say your so tiny! lol ↑ |