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Name: nisse4
[ Original Post ]
Ok so I didn't have a period for the month of Feb and just had mild cramping for 4 days and just stopped then a week later I had colustrum from my bbs and I been having mild headaches hunger even after I eat in other words I can't stop eating and now today the 1st of march I get wat seems to be my period and still have milk and clear fluid from my bbs can someone help?
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Name: zexion | Date: Mar 15th, 2012 5:28 PM
ok so i took a test on sunday it came out negative my period was sapposed to start on tuesday but didnt the next morning took another test still negative then i started my period the same morning but i noticed its extremely lighter then usual it looks more lik spotting and im having a rough time comingto turms with that i may actually be pregnant some one please help 

Name: cjsims | Date: Mar 17th, 2012 8:35 PM
go to the doc, or take a home test or both how are we supposed to tell u if ur pregnant???? 

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