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Name: Mom of 2, looking to hm school
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I'm interested in having my child home-schooled... I went to school with a boy that completed k-5th grade in school, then the rest of his education was taught at home. He is no different than any other. But I was wondering options and prices. How often would someone come to my home and teach? Mon-Fri? If anyone has positive advice, please share. Thanks.
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Name: Patti | Date: Jun 5th, 2006 7:50 PM
I don't have anyone come to my home to teach my 11yr old ( now in 6th grade ) I take care of all of his schooling myself. As for hours they need to be homeschooled per day or week, check with HSLDA for your state requirements.

Expenses vary, as well. There are lots of hs'ing internet links to where you can basically do all of it online, or you can spend lots of $ on curriculum. It depends on you and your child's needs / wants. 

Name: Tracy | Date: Jun 7th, 2006 12:52 PM
Check with HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association), like Patti said, for your state requirements...
If your currious what we are all doing individually, I homeschool my 2 boys (10 and 12) and do public testing at the school (giving me dual enrollement options for sports and academics). I count field trips and weekend/summer educational opportunities (like scout merit badge work, zoo trips, etc.) toward their manditory days of school. And spend roughly around $350 on each child for curriculum/supplies (hand picked this and thats, i have not used a set program so far).
We utilize the flexibility of homeschooling by taking an occational Mon/Fri (or any day for that matter!) off, don't start school until after the Labor Day holiday, lolly a bit longer over Christmas and Easter, and gotta love those spring fever days (a day of botany counts as school!), and we are still out by May's end...
Hope that's helped...have fun with those 2 children of yours! 

Name: DueTodayMum | Date: Jun 10th, 2006 8:21 AM
First of all, homeschooling is teaching the child at home via the parent, except for speciallist areas like musical instruments. Do you have that sort of a committment in mind?

Next you have to decide whether you want a structured teaching curriculum or a 'go with what the child is interested in' style. Then you have to see whats out there according to the style you choose.

I wanted something that my child would get into college with and I'm a christian, so I chose ACE - Accelerated Christian Education. I order the stuff from USA, via an Australian warehouse. These are self teaching workbooks in subject headings - Maths, English, Social Studies, Science, Word Building, and Literature and Creative writing. I mark them with the help of Score keys, and send off the tests to a homeschool organisation that specialises in ACE in my country, who in turn send out a term report. I find it very good.

Apart from this my children are in Scouts and Guides, the local homeschool sports group, go to sunday school, and go to sports groups of their interest i.e swimming and soccer etc. Your children will have different interests, so go with those. They will have peer socialisation this way.

Homeschooling is not something you do lightly. It takes time, dedication, and patience in abundant supply. 

Name: Ronny | Date: Jul 4th, 2006 6:54 AM
Hello mom of 2.I maybe able to help you . I have been in the education field for 36 years. What state do you live in? What type of home schooling do youi want to purse? Ex. traditional , christrian. At what pace do you want them to progress at? my address is rwilkerson3296 @yahoo.com 

Name: triciatidmore | Date: Jul 10th, 2006 1:03 PM
Try unschooling ! It rocks! Has made our family the happy,healthy,close family we were meant to be!
And no need for a teacher,your child WILL learn naturally!
And the cost is much less than school.
Best of luck to your family! 

Name: triciatidmore | Date: Jul 10th, 2006 1:28 PM
Unschooling is simply a philosophy. How that philosophy plays out in
each home is SO amazingly different. In my home it is two working
parents, makeup, gardening, lotsa video gaming, hiking, traveling,
wine tasting, homemade food, big social life, environmental awareness,
writing, a Christian, a bunch of heathens and tons of art.

I have atheist, christian, mormon, catholic, jewish, pagan/wiccan and
agnostic friends within the unschooling community. I have Indian (true
Indian, not Native America), African American, caucasian and friends
of Scottish descent...probably a lot of others but I never thought to
ask. Some of them are city dwellers, some are rural, some in between
like us. There's vegetarian's, hard-core junk food eaters and
everything in between. I can't think of a single unifying thought or
idea other than the part about giving children the same respect and
freedom that adults deserve. Yep, that spills over into how we parent
them in all areas. That's not exactly a collective, brainwashing kinda
system is it?

And yes, the unschooling parents I know (and I know a LOT) give
themselves as much freedom as their children. That's one of the things
we talk a LOT about when newbies come along. How it's really, really
important for parents to be pursuing the things they love, do that
which makes their soul sing. I believe unschooling is incredibly
healing for the parents in amazing ways. We get to have the childhood
we always imagined...it's never too late.

How much thought does it take to school a child? How much knee-jerk
reaction exists with implementing a curriculum or doing lessons
because it's comfortable?
To really trust and get comfortable with unschooling, it takes a HUGE
amount of questioning and change. All those shifts in thinking don't
come by simply doing what everyone else does or accepting what one is
told about schooling or how children learn best.

To become an unschooling parent, you have to dig deep and question
everything you do. To insinuate that there is some "club" of
unthinking followers seems pretty amusing to me. All of the
unschooling families I know in real life have amazing and deep ways of
viewing the world and questioning just about EVERYTHING. They
constantly help me learn and question MORE. It's very cool that way.~ 

Name: kailen Metzger | Date: Dec 16th, 2010 12:43 AM
hi i need halp 

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