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Name: cleansafeplaceformoms
[ Original Post ]
There was a mesage today to look in the stay at home moms room, they always have some drama in there. I came to this forum to meet other nice moms and discus our babies-children. Now we have people popping in and making rude posts. most problems are from many rooms here that are not monitored, moms with teens and eating dissoreders an stay at home moms. They all say the most disgusting things and get away with language not used bar toilet. Now it has begun to show up in other rooms. Today was shocked to peek in stay at home moms and see porn talk. I think we will now have perverts in here. Babycrowd has a code, no one reads it or cares. Some of us are writing Babycrowd letters of complaint about the filthy posts in Stay at home moms, I can go to a porn chat to read that, not a mommy chat. There is not a decent mom in there. We are asking you all to write along with us so that Babycrowd will clean up and make them follow the rules we follow. we want to have a nice chat about our children without a creep posting. We think this is bringing in more creeps and why they come in our room now. I want to be a member of a chat site that does not allow nasty members like the ones in that room and others. We are discusted. Write Babycrowd so they will clean up this chatroom.
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Name: george | Date: Mar 20th, 2008 10:27 AM
hello ronnie 

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