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Name: JNT
[ Original Post ]
Hi, I have to let you all know, my son is on the DORE program and WOW!!! what a difference!!!
It really has helped. He was a mix of aspergers, adhd, and classed as just difficult and behind in writing skills etc. He has been on the program now for nearly 6 months, but we noticed a positive change after the first 2 months. He is now listening, answering when spoken to, does simple tasks when asked, hand writing improved, stop beating up on his younger brother....
The list goes on!
We noticed a time (which lasted about a month) where his behaviour and actions seemed to deteriorate again, however they tell you this might happen as the brain learns to use the new neural pathways.
This was a difficult time but we are now on the other side and really can see the benefits of the dore program.
We are paying the program off with the help of a finance company, Hanover, which we are paying over 3 years, which the dore consultant organised. So the cost is really a minor factor when we see our child grow and change into the wonderful person with the personality we knew was in there.
I highly recommend the program, it may seem like hard work to do the 5-10 minutes morning and night of exercises, and your child may protest (ours still does), but the results are amazing!!
If you can, give it a go and see your child really come alive and be respected by others. Nothing is better than the first time your child is complimented on how well they sat and listened during a class! wow!! =
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Your Reply here

Name: Your jokin | Date: Jul 28th, 2010 5:18 PM
Gosh they suckered you!!
Or are you an employee?! 

Name: AKASH | Date: Sep 18th, 2010 10:37 AM

Name: sahar | Date: Feb 8th, 2011 11:56 PM

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