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Name: lindalu
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Hypoglycemia is a common problem in small breed dogs like Chihuahuas and Yorkshire Terriers.
Hypoglycemia is a common ailment in toy breed dogs. Hypoglycemia is low blood sugar the pancreas makes the hormone insulin, when there is too much insulin the body can develop hypoglycemia. Chihuahuas and other toy breed dogs can develop hypoglycemia even when they are healthy because they don't have the fat stores to use for energy, and their liver can not produce enough sugar to use as energy. Diabetic pets who receive to much insulin can also become hypoglycemic.

Symptoms of hypoglycemia: Symptoms include but are not limited to: Slow heartbeat and breathing, weak, sleepy, disoriented, wobbly, glassy eyed, and seizures. In some cases pets may lose consciousness and fall into a coma. Pets can die from hypoglycemia if they do not receive treatment.

Diagnosing hypoglycemia: Your veterinarian can diagnose hypoglycemia with a quick blood test that checks your pets blood glucose or blood sugar.

Treatment for hypoglycemia: If you notice your pet is acting wobbly or weak try giving some treats or canned food, anything you know your pet will eat. If your pet won't eat, try giving it some sugar, Karo syrup works the best. Rub the syrup on the gums and under the tongue if your pet is unconscious. If your pet is not unconscious and can swallow you can give the sugar with a needleless syringe. If your pets blood sugar drops it may also begin to suffer with hypothermia, so you'll need to help keep your cat or dog warm with a hot water bottle and blankets. A milk jug filled with steaming hot water makes a good hot water bottle in a pinch. This treatment can also work with puppies and kittens who are failing to thrive. After giving initial first aid get your pet to your veterinarian immidiately.

Diabetics and hypoglycemia: If diabetics are given to much insulin they can develop hypoglycemia. Diabetic pet owners should monitor their dog or cat closely for signs of hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia and try to be consistent with exercise and daily feedings. Staying consistent with a feeding and exercise schedule will help avoid the dangers of hypoglycemia. If you are worried about your pets blood sugar levels, call your veterinarian.

Additional information: If you own a toy breed dog you should feed 3 small meals a day to help avoid hypoglycemia. Some owners mix Karo syrup in the drinking water, if you do this the water should be changed daily to avoid bacteria growth. Hypoglycemia is very dangerous and can kill a dog or cat if left without treatment.
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Name: T-rabbit | Date: Mar 23rd, 2007 3:49 PM
Believe it or not I actually owned a APBT that had this. Scared the day lights out of me when he got sick. Never seen a dog lose weight so quick in my life. We spent 800.00 to get him healthy then some one stole him. 

Name: lindalu | Date: Mar 23rd, 2007 4:16 PM
Hello T!
My daughter has a Chihuaha that is verry small only weighing 3 lbs thats what made me think of it. It is a scary thing to see, especially if you have no clue whats going on! Owww... T thats to terrible! I tell ya people su*k some times! 

Name: T-rabbit | Date: Mar 24th, 2007 2:01 AM
Yes they do. Thats why I am a dog gal. 

Name: Lory | Date: Mar 24th, 2007 2:15 PM
Thanks for the info. lindalu! I have a 3.5lb. poodle! 

Name: lindalu | Date: Mar 25th, 2007 4:04 PM
Yes... Lory, I do remember reading you have a 3 lb Poodle. Does he have any sugar problems? I know our chihuaha doesnt but we feed him 2-3 times a day. He also has full access to water at all times! 

Name: Lory | Date: Mar 25th, 2007 6:05 PM
No sugar probs. that I am aware of....we also feed him 3x a day, and they all have access to water 24/7. It's funny b/c when he eats, it's only like 5 or 6 morsels at a time! LOL! 

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