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Name: Jeremy Roberts
[ Original Post ]
Hi guys,

I have been a long time reader of Single Family Voices. My name is Jeremy Roberts, I am 23 years old and live in Hartsville SC. I am a single father of my beautiful 2 year old named Breanna. I was hoping i could get some advice or maybe even some help. My ex abandoned us almost a year ago in Janurary, since then she has not helped, called Maaaaaybe 15 times since she left us to move in with a long time friend which turned out to be more than that. I used all of my savings to pay for a lawyer to start the divorce process, my lawyer had suggested i file for child support, about 5 weeks ago when she received the paperwork and found out i had filed for this she had decided to file for full custody and said her mom would raise her because she didnt have money to pay for child support. I wound up getting primary custody and child support however this is a temporary order. Since she filed for custody also I will have to pay half for a Guardian Adlitem at roughly $5000 by December 17th (since she lives in Florida) If you guys have any tips know of any programs that would help us that would be greatly appricated.

Also if you guys have any girls clothes size 3t, or girls shoes size 8 that you no longer need please let me know, i'd pay shipping and put them to great use.

I made Breanna and myself a website which has more information about all the stuff going on if you have a moment please check it out, it also has our phone number to call us for advice on it. the address is http://www.helpbreanna.com.
Thank you all for your time,

Jeremy and Breanna
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Name: Robin | Date: Dec 3rd, 2008 1:00 AM
I'm so sorry to hear about your story. Things just do not turn out the way we had planned or had hopes that they would. I think it is great you are dedicated to your little girl. She is lucky to have one parent that cares so deeply and sees her as a lifelong commitment. I do hope the court will clearly see that your daughters mother only wants custody as an angry payback toward the divorce process. I wish I had some other links or ideas for you, I do not. I wish you luck.

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