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Name: megoman
[ Original Post ]
Hi. I just found this web-site and am hoping that you can alleviate any fears. My 22 month old son is showing delayed speech. He has said somewhere between 20-30 words, but doesn't use them often although they are always in the proper context. My main concern is that he doesn't respond to his name being called more than 50% of the time (maybe less). He gets very involved with whatever it is he is doing and does not like to be distracted from it. He does not show any of the stimmed (I think that is the correct term) minus a few waving of the hands when he is having a tantrum. He is at daycare most days and seems to have no problem socializing with people and does smile and respond. At his age though they don't really play with other kids yet, just parallel play. His eye contact is good when he wants it to be, not when I try to force it.

My main question is do kids who end up being diagnosed with autism appear to be normal in so many areas of life, but just show a couple of signs or I am living in denial?

We are beginning the stages of early evaluation for his speech, but I can't wait that long. Should I be highly concerned or slightly concerned?
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