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Name: Randi
[ Original Post ]
How will you be defined in the dictionary?



Randi --

A person with a taste for acorns
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Name: atomicsnowflake | Date: May 19th, 2007 9:52 PM


Name: atomicsnowflake | Date: May 19th, 2007 9:54 PM
Pretentiously academian - apparently....no wonder everyone hates me! *LMAO* 

Name: RhondaMark | Date: May 19th, 2007 9:54 PM
Mine is Rhonda(adjective)
Smelling like turnips at all times!!. 

Name: atomicsnowflake | Date: May 19th, 2007 9:55 PM
One of my sons is 'visually addictive' and my husband is 'a real life terminator'!!!!!!!!!!! huh??? that doesn't sound like him! *LOL* 

Name: atomicsnowflake | Date: May 19th, 2007 9:56 PM
Oh, Rhonda! *LMAO* 

Name: RhondaMark | Date: May 19th, 2007 9:56 PM
Marks is(adjective)
Benevolent to a fault!!.(whatever the heck it means!!.) 

Name: RhondaMark | Date: May 19th, 2007 9:57 PM
Well better than smelling fishy lol!!. 

Name: Bunnio | Date: May 19th, 2007 9:57 PM
Sarah --

A poltergeist sent back in time to change the course of history forever 

Name: atomicsnowflake | Date: May 19th, 2007 9:59 PM
you gotta be kiddin' Sarah???

that's so spooky!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Name: rain | Date: May 19th, 2007 10:03 PM
rain --

Tastes like fried chicken 

Name: RhondaMark | Date: May 19th, 2007 10:05 PM
Ohhh Sarah!!.I like yours!!. 

Name: charla | Date: May 19th, 2007 10:07 PM
charla --

Extremely extreme! 

Name: RhondaMark | Date: May 19th, 2007 10:10 PM
I cant belive mine said i smell like turnips!!.Yuck i hate turnips!!. 

Name: Serina S | Date: May 19th, 2007 10:13 PM
Serina --

Sexually stunning
I wish!!!!! 

Name: Bunnio | Date: May 19th, 2007 10:14 PM
lmao serina. 

Name: Serina S | Date: May 19th, 2007 10:17 PM
Yip if you only knew how funny esp right now Just got off all my makeup hair yep on top of my head all lose and curly all over ...and my baggy commfy stained cloths wow sexy
Sexy that would be nice BUT Sexually stunning
Not even close! 

Name: Serina S | Date: May 19th, 2007 10:18 PM
My cat wil not even look at me right now! 

Name: Bunnio | Date: May 19th, 2007 10:18 PM
what you think definly does NOT reflect another persons opions/feelings! 

Name: momo | Date: May 19th, 2007 10:22 PM
Monique Adjective - Extremely Extreme 

Name: RhondaMark | Date: May 19th, 2007 10:24 PM
Charla and Momo have the same one!!.Somebody else must have stinky turnip other than me hehe!!. 

Name: charla | Date: May 19th, 2007 10:26 PM
lol, rhonda if you keep on clicking your name different ones pop up. i just posted the one i liked. lol! 

Name: Serina S | Date: May 19th, 2007 10:27 PM
Thank Gosh that is true or hubby would not come near me!
I do like yours it is cool! 

Name: RhondaMark | Date: May 19th, 2007 10:29 PM
Charla lol you cheated hehe!!.I did not know that,or else i would not have stuck with stinky turnip lol!!. 

Name: rain | Date: May 19th, 2007 10:31 PM
lolol rotf 

Name: charla | Date: May 19th, 2007 10:31 PM
mine was also a food item...lol i just want havin it!!!! 

Name: RhondaMark | Date: May 19th, 2007 10:33 PM
Do tell,what was your food one hehe!!?Dont keep us in suspense!!. 

Name: rain | Date: May 19th, 2007 10:35 PM
It was stinky cheese! 

Name: charla | Date: May 19th, 2007 10:37 PM
lol yes it involved cheese. 

Name: rain | Date: May 19th, 2007 10:38 PM

Name: charla | Date: May 19th, 2007 10:38 PM
...and not stinky!thank you very much. 

Name: hdc_momof2 | Date: May 19th, 2007 10:39 PM
Heather --

Visually addictive


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