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Name: lynnie
[ Original Post ]
I have a job!

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Name: maxieellis | Date: May 18th, 2007 1:46 PM
Hey Congrats lynne!!!!!! Part time full time....doin what? Congrats anyway! 

Name: Lizzi | Date: May 18th, 2007 1:48 PM
That's GREAT Lynne,doing what hun? 

Name: lynnie | Date: May 18th, 2007 1:48 PM
It is part time working at the hospital taking blood,all i need is a bit of refresher traingin and i am all set,it it will bank work as that is better what with having andrew and everything,i am hoping to do 2 full days a week! 

Name: lynnie | Date: May 18th, 2007 1:49 PM
Sorry if my typing is really bad i am just excited! 

Name: Lizzi | Date: May 18th, 2007 1:49 PM
Lynne that is SUPER girl! Some extra cash for your pocket! 

Name: lynnie | Date: May 18th, 2007 1:50 PM
I cant wait,i feel like at kid at xmas. 

Name: Lizzi | Date: May 18th, 2007 1:50 PM
I was offered a babysitting job for summer but turned it down......NO THANKS!!!! LOL 

Name: Lizzi | Date: May 18th, 2007 1:51 PM
Well I'm truly happy for ya hun! : ) 

Name: maxieellis | Date: May 18th, 2007 1:51 PM
awesome lynne. Obviously makin you feel good. Thats the main thing. Happy for you. 

Name: lynnie | Date: May 18th, 2007 1:52 PM
I dont blame you to be honest,i was also offered a job at a toddlers soft play area,but i want to go to work to be with other adults. 

Name: lynnie | Date: May 18th, 2007 1:52 PM
Thanks guys. 

Name: lynnie | Date: May 18th, 2007 1:53 PM
Well gotta go i was in the middle of ironing when i got the call,seeya! 

Name: Lizzi | Date: May 18th, 2007 1:53 PM
You're welcome Lynne,you deserve this,you really do! 

Name: Lizzi | Date: May 18th, 2007 1:53 PM
Bye hun,fill us in on how it goes when ya can o.k.? 

Name: rain | Date: May 18th, 2007 2:09 PM

Name: Kel | Date: May 18th, 2007 3:20 PM
Congrats Lynnie. 

Name: atomicsnowflake | Date: May 18th, 2007 4:24 PM

You were telling everybody that you were a biomedical scientist with a University Degree only last week!

You are such a LIAR lynne.

Taking blood? A trained monkey could do that.

I can't believe all these people are falling for these ridiculous stories.

You're all a bunch of complete suckers. 

Name: lynnie | Date: May 18th, 2007 4:59 PM
This is my choice a.s i can hardley go back to work full time now can iWith a 3 year child to look after,besides at the momnet they have no jobs as a mslo in the lab,i want to go back to work and i am happy to do this job. so stuff you! 

Name: lynnie | Date: May 18th, 2007 5:02 PM
Oh and by the way if a trained monkey can do it,then why when it did it before did i have docs coming up to me saying i could not get the blood from this lady can you do it for me please,taking blood is not all text book you know. 

Name: atomicsnowflake | Date: May 18th, 2007 5:35 PM

Everybody knows that doctors are the biggest trained monkeys of them all!

Medical incompetence.......yeah, I've seen it all! 

Name: atomicsnowflake | Date: May 18th, 2007 5:36 PM
Oh, and what is your 'degree' in by the way? You never did answer that one did you? 

Name: atomicsnowflake | Date: May 18th, 2007 5:36 PM
What a joke you are. 

Name: lynnie | Date: May 18th, 2007 9:23 PM
and you are? 

Name: atomicsnowflake | Date: May 18th, 2007 9:24 PM

Name: atomicsnowflake | Date: May 18th, 2007 9:24 PM

It's Sarah you turnip head..........who did you think it was??? 

Name: atomicsnowflake | Date: May 18th, 2007 9:25 PM
Crank your 'brain' into gear lynne!!!!!!!!!!! 

Name: lynnie | Date: May 18th, 2007 9:25 PM
Oh Oh soryy physic powers not working today. 

Name: atomicsnowflake | Date: May 18th, 2007 9:28 PM

Name: atomicsnowflake | Date: May 18th, 2007 9:37 PM
Castor Oil..... 

Name: atomicsnowflake | Date: May 18th, 2007 9:38 PM

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