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Name: kathy
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I've never been here but I want to ask how to keep the house cleaned and the kids occupied at the same time. Its impossible for me. Once I get one room picked up the next is trashed. I really don't want to spend the day cleaning and want some quality time. Any advice?
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Name: mel | Date: Apr 1st, 2006 3:03 AM
how old are they 

Name: Sue | Date: Apr 1st, 2006 3:17 AM
Clean when their asleep. I donated alot of toys. At age two I taught my daughter to pick up her mess. 

Name: kassy | Date: Apr 1st, 2006 6:42 PM
You are not alone. Every house is like that you clean and it doesnt stay that way. My girls are little and when they are in the bath I clean the bathroom. When we are playing in their room I pick up and So on. You will find your own groove and dont be hard on yourself I work full time and have to keep the house clean and kids happy it is a never ending job!! 

Name: Paula | Date: Apr 2nd, 2006 2:16 PM
I gave up having a clean house alllloooooooong time ago. Now I'm just satisfied if I can keep it down to a dull roar. When my toddler is in school, then I'll be able to keep a better clean house, but for now, she is more important then the dust accumulating on the piano.

As long as there is clean clothes, dinner on the table every night, dishes down at the end of the day, the sheets changed and the bathrooms cleaned fairly regularily, well then that pretty much takes care of it for me.

But then again, I have one in college...and I lost her youth to what I thought was more important responsibilities...I know better now. I'm not losing out on this my last little baby's youth.

My husband used to complain, but then I pretty much told him that my priority was for the child, and he ultimately agreed. I am fortunate in that aspect. 

Name: E | Date: Apr 2nd, 2006 5:04 PM
Well said, Paula. Children equals not-so-spick-and-span house, at least until they are in school (or teenagers, or have left the house - it's different with every family).

My two things that I chose to do: first, to relax about the mess and clean it only once a day - after they're gone to bed (not a huge clean-up, just small things - dishes, put toys away, a load of laundry, straighten the room). Get enough your own relaxing and sleeping time, because tomorrow the children will need your energy again.

Second, I choose to have a well designed, zen-like room that's off limit to everyone, it is my sanctuary. It's much easier to face a turned-upside-down house when you have a place to restore your spirit among things you like. 

Name: Jill | Date: Apr 2nd, 2006 8:21 PM
Designate a play area and make sure they stick too it. Also, make them pick up after themselves they will be less likely to make a crazy mess if they know they are responsible for cleaning it up. During the nice weather play outside as much as possible avoiding indoor messes all together. And my daughter loves to "help" me clean. Give your children a rag and ask them to dust or give them a broom and ask them to sweep. Children love to feel involved. As a last resort hire a cleaning person to come in just once a month to do the big things and you can just concentrate on straightening up the rest of the time. Just don't fret so much that you miss out on the good and fun times with you children. Tomorrow is another day and chances are another mess is going to be waiting. 

Name: Patti | Date: Apr 3rd, 2006 5:55 AM
I have a three year old and a four year old. I just discovered some kind of melted popscicle mountain on my floor in the family room and my husband says we'll need a blow torch to remove what ever has dried on the night stand. The ONLY way I can get them to stay occupied while I clean is to turn on a favorite movie and then ALLOW them to do something they are not supposed to do. Like play on the tredmil or turn the coffee table upside down and make a boat out of it. Sometimes I turn on a fan and wrap a sheet around it to make a "wind tent" for them and give them a bowl of popcorn or goldfish. I know the mess I am expecting is going to be popcorn - so I know I can just sweep it up. I let them think they are doing something messy- but I choose their mess. You know what I mean. Gives me an hour or two to clean the rest of the house. A roll of toliet paper is good too. It cost what 50 cents and they can throw it all over. It's easy to clean because most of it stays in one long sheet. But beware of water access when using this distraction! 

Name: Kristen | Date: Apr 3rd, 2006 11:16 PM
We changed our den (computer room) into a toy room. The toys have to stay in there(for the most part). They can only bring out a few at a time. Then I have decorative baskets on shelves around our house. When the toys are left laying around the house - I just put them in the baskets. It only takes me a few minutes to pick up the remaining toys and my house stays clean. 

Name: Jaden | Date: Apr 3rd, 2006 11:18 PM
www.flylady.com it's a great site 

Name: Lizzi... | Date: Apr 5th, 2006 5:42 AM
I've come to learn...4 kids...oldest turning 10....I get the best work done...after they go to bed...or in the am when they're eating breakfast...or at naptime...
Some things which help...is expecting everyone to help & have their own chores...if they don't measure up...they don't get as much alowance...we figure a quarter pr. sticker on a calendar...5 bucks a week is earnable...but usually get about 2...going to bed on time so I can havew a break is a sticker as well...good grades...are an extra allowance...1.oo pr A .50 pr B S = stay up late...S+ stay up late & watch movie & popcorn.... 

Name: 3 time nursing mom | Date: Apr 5th, 2006 10:18 AM

has helped me.

Now if I can only find a place where I can purchase some MOTIVATION! lol 

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