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Name: hdc_momof2
[ Original Post ]
my stomach hurts soooo bad! kind of like i'm hungry but holy crap! i just ate a bowl of pasta and about an hour ago i had biscuits and gravy. i usually don't eat this much but i just feel hungry! ok...more like starving! keep getting this burning pain at the top of my tummy. omg like i have a tapeworm or something! lol
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Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 19th, 2007 1:58 PM
erm...i dunno...but i am so hungry right now...iv stopped being hungry and im trying to force some cous cous down my throat but its making me feel sick... 

Name: DaneseS | Date: May 19th, 2007 1:59 PM
i have no idea...heartburn?? hope you feel better... 

Name: hdc_momof2 | Date: May 19th, 2007 2:09 PM
oh nicola i hate when that happens! but geez girl....cous cous!? no friggin wonder ya can't get it down lmao 

Name: hdc_momof2 | Date: May 19th, 2007 2:10 PM
i don't know...heartburn has never made me feel hungry lol. but thanks! 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 19th, 2007 2:11 PM
ooh god I love couscous. im a healthy eating thing at the moment...i have to keep a food diary to show my dietician and my doctor as iv been losing weight. 

Name: hdc_momof2 | Date: May 19th, 2007 2:13 PM
oh that's fun lol. i hate having to tell the pediatrician what the kids eat at the appointments. they are such critics! lol 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 19th, 2007 2:17 PM
I’m such a freak when it comes to the kids healthy eating! Yeah I feed them junk but I really do plan their meals to make sure they get plenty of fruit and veg and that they eat a variety of foods so they don’t get fussy…but I don’t feed them foods that im weird with. I have a sorta phobia of cold meats like ham (I think you call that lunchmeat) etc and a few other things…so they never get fed that. But Im such a bitchy mum when it comes to them not having things…They get white chocolate once a week on a Friday when we go into town to put some money in our savings. Otherwise they have raisons or apricots as snacks 

Name: hdc_momof2 | Date: May 19th, 2007 2:22 PM
wtf is 9 stone 8??? lol 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 19th, 2007 2:22 PM
gaah i dont know american terms...lol never mind lol 

Name: hdc_momof2 | Date: May 19th, 2007 2:23 PM

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 19th, 2007 2:30 PM
Jesus christ...what has gotten into my children???? They are acting like FERALS 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 19th, 2007 2:31 PM
jesus...our old dog James, behaved better than they are today!!! 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 19th, 2007 2:33 PM
gosh i said "jesus" twice in two sentances....oh dear...Im sorry God. 

Name: mellisa | Date: May 19th, 2007 3:15 PM
Hi heather, i get that alot to, i think its the same symptoms, like a really bad burning like heart burn and then you feel like you can eat everything in th house, the only thing with me is that my back hurts to really bad, and nothing will help me i just have to deal with it for a couple of hours, i think its just crazy heartburn but then i think it might be a ulcer, me anyways i dont know if its the same thing, goodluck and i hope you feel better. 

Name: hdc_momof2 | Date: May 19th, 2007 3:28 PM
BINGO!!!!!!!!!! check this out!

The major symptom of a stomach ulcer is a burning or gnawing feeling in the stomach area. This burning sensation can last between 30 minutes to 3 hours. This pain is often interpreted as heartburn, indigestion or even hunger. The pain is usually found to occur in the upper abdomen area, but sometimes it may occur just below the breastbone.

that is just the place i am hurting! however mine is lasting like all dang day :-( 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 19th, 2007 3:31 PM
They thought mum had a stomach ulcer...we were all so scared. 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 19th, 2007 3:43 PM
I dont know...we all assumed they were bad...pop to your doc chick...oh crap..its saturday lol...curl up in a ball and scream at your kids till monday? 

Name: hdc_momof2 | Date: May 19th, 2007 3:44 PM
LOL! they would scream back :-( 

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