Hello, guest
Name: maxieellis
[ Original Post ]
Lets see now lol....Serina, Dawn, Jeanie. Irene,Winn i think too........I got mail from all of you re Mothers Day....I ummmmm just found them. When i went looking for the email from Irene.

To all these women who thought so kindly to send these awesome Mothers Day wishes my way.....forgive me. I wasnt expecting them. I also do not check my mail as a rule as often as i should.

I thank you all for this......and dearly hope, you all had a wonderful day yourselves.
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Name: Dawn C. | Date: May 18th, 2007 2:16 PM
COOL!!! I thought you didn't love me no more Maxie lol. And you should have expected them...YOU ARE WONDERFUL!!!♥ 

Name: maxieellis | Date: May 18th, 2007 2:17 PM
oh gee whiz.......i just found more......hdc you too.......put it this way...........cuz i am still looking around..........THANK YOU ALL! I wanna cover everyone! 

Name: maxieellis | Date: May 18th, 2007 2:18 PM
Who could NOT love, that wacky gal from Jersey!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT I lolololol..............thanks so much dawn!!!!!!!!! 

Name: Serina S | Date: May 18th, 2007 4:14 PM
No worries Maxie ..I know you are busy so that is just what I rthough.
I do hope you had a wonderful day !!!
Hey Dawn I am origninally from New Jersey ( near Sterling ..Passaic)
I love it there 

Name: Dawn C. | Date: May 18th, 2007 4:17 PM
Oh wow!!! I am in Mays Landing...near Atlantic City. Small world indeed : )) 

Name: Serina S | Date: May 18th, 2007 4:26 PM
My sister is in Brick County .
I do so love Atlanic city John took me ther for a bitherday to see Enrique Iglesias it was SO much fun . John is such a dear Man I am lucky to have a hubby like him!
Ok so I putting of sweeping I bette get to it My folk are gina be here Sat.

Name: Dawn C. | Date: May 18th, 2007 4:30 PM
Next time you go to AC wave on the way by : )) 

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