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Name: elle
[ Original Post ]
I am 33wks pregnant and on bed rest with a 2&4 yr old. I have help from my family and a sitter during the day for most of the week. My children are not listen and I am yelling from my room all day and i can't seem to grab control of them, or myself. I think i have lost my mind. What to do?
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Name: marija | Date: May 22nd, 2007 5:24 AM
hi elle
can you not send them to stay at a family members home until you have your next baby or at the very least to daycare during the day until hubby gets home?
maybe lay in the lounge room, keeping a closer eye on them?
you wont be able to control them in your condition. So think about lessening the stress it is causing you...that can be just as tiring...its what bed rest is all about......resting, stress is not resting.
good luck :-) 

Name: atomicsnowflake | Date: May 22nd, 2007 9:25 AM
Where's the father in all this? He should be taking some responsibility for his children. Is he at work? 

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