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Name: Nicolaaa
[ Original Post ]
Who's been?
It's in the uk so that narrows it down a tad..just being nosy. We go there pretty often
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Name: Dawn C. | Date: May 20th, 2007 7:07 PM
Me never...but I've always wanted to : ) 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 20th, 2007 7:09 PM
its right by meeee

and we have another stone circle too...drive through it pretty much every day.,..damm toursits everywhere. Today we stopped off on the way to chiquitos and there were druids (spelling) having some sort of prayer thing...all dressed up. Rachie (my sis) and poppy went crazy for it. Daisy...wasnt fazed lol, she loved the sheep 

Name: rain | Date: May 20th, 2007 7:22 PM
I would love to see it. I would kill to see it. 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 20th, 2007 7:24 PM
I got some really good pics of us there. Well the twins werent with us last time..,.
we're hopefully going next week as im not at school...so we can take the twins!!! 

Name: lynnie | Date: May 20th, 2007 7:49 PM
I have driven past,thats about as close as i have got. 

Name: marija | Date: May 20th, 2007 11:22 PM
i have...totally disappointed :-(...there was this guy there who was running around in medieval gear telling everyone he was the reincarnation of king arthur?!?!?...i asked him why he was dressed that way...he answered to be authentic and true to myself..*barf*...i then asked him why then did he have jeans on?...he said because it was cold...LOL so much for being authentic and true to oneself...dickhead!!! 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 21st, 2007 3:22 PM
lol marija...at teh stone circle in Avebury you get nutters like that, only 10 X worse....you get some right screwballs 

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