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Name: momo
[ Original Post ]
I know most of us are in relationships ans that we loves our spouses dearly. But do any of you have someone from the past that you still hold dear to your heart? Or do you have one that got away and have just made a new life for yourself? Do you ever think of how it would be if you were with that person? Or perhaps just think about the fun thing you use to have with that person and know it was just in the past?
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Name: Emma | Date: May 21st, 2007 4:54 PM
i have a ex and whenever i think of him it makes me smile.
i was young and we had loads of fun, we ended on good terms and still see each other from time to time when im out and about. [and this person is not mias dad. lol ] 

Name: Dawn C. | Date: May 21st, 2007 4:58 PM
Great topic momo!!! Fun memories...LOTS...but no regrets. X's are x's for a reason LOL!! 

Name: bebe9281 | Date: May 21st, 2007 5:00 PM
Good point Dawn... Absolutely no regrets.. A little bit of "what if" but hubby is the father of my children for a reason. 

Name: momo | Date: May 21st, 2007 5:00 PM
Its nice isn't it...I have a man who I met while i was married to my ex...(there is a whole story behind it too long of this he he), but ne ways he gave me life and showed me everything i wanted my life to be. We were never together but we had this beautiful and soulful connection. When I left california to move back to arizona, though i said i would come back for him after i finished school, i knew that i would probably never see hi again. We still talk on the phone time to time, but to this day i have not seen him. It has been 2.5 years...I have met someone new who gave me the life that this first person showed me I could have. I guess i think about him everyday though and wonder where he is..My bf knows he is close to my heart, but he also know that hiself is my heart. 

Name: lynnie | Date: May 21st, 2007 5:01 PM
Yes my fisrt ever boyfreind,we dated for ten months,my mum and dad hated him and tryed there hardest to split us up,we just grew apart in the end,i still see him about town from time to time. 

Name: RhondaMark | Date: May 21st, 2007 5:04 PM
No way no how!!.When i think about my ex,i get the shakes!!.I am very thankful he is gone from my life!!.mark would be the one i would never want to get away!!.He treats me so well and i love him with all my heart!!.But my ex i am surprised i did not get killed by him!!. 

Name: maxieellis | Date: May 21st, 2007 5:08 PM
awwwh there was a fellow that yes.......was a dear. Oh he was smitten with me lol BUT it just was not meant to be. I see him here and there still. We talk yes.....he is married also and has a family and i do think.......what if. I resolved a long time ago.....that all things happen for a reason. I am not one bit sad i didnt take him up......not cuz he was a bad person, or not handsome enough....none of those things. Just because I wasnt ready.....i was toooooooo busy enjoying my life back then. When the time was right (even though I wasnt aware lol) along came dh. Would i trade him for any other......noooooo waaaaaaaaaaaaaay! He's my long leged cowboy and i am keepin him lol! Though,,,,,,i am waiting for Dawns mom to show up.....i like her style lololol! Once in a while....a good clang from a fry pan can do wonders lolololol! 

Name: momo | Date: May 21st, 2007 5:12 PM
Yes i would never leave my bf for this man...i guess i just always think about him and wonder in life if we will ever cross paths...You know when you have someone in life...to imagine never seeing that person again i guess thats the hard part. We arefriends and only that...i have accepted he is not the one for me, but whats hard for me to deal with is us living parrallell lives and never seeing each other... 

Name: maxieellis | Date: May 21st, 2007 5:18 PM
Special as it may have been........its just the way for now its suppose to be. The good memories you can treasure. Sometimes just that........is all your left with and you just wish them well in thought. You might cross paths one day....and its funny......when you do......once you walk away.......you just know.....the right thing happened in the end. 

Name: momo | Date: May 21st, 2007 5:19 PM
i agree maxi... 

Name: Dana G | Date: May 21st, 2007 5:21 PM
Well my hubby was the first person who I dated.....I'm glad I got him from the start, no bad memories, or regrets from me. 

Name: Layne | Date: May 21st, 2007 8:43 PM
yes I was 16 and I really liked him...I went to my sisters for the summer and he was a crush for about 3 weeks...I still think of that cutie... 

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