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Name: Emma2
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letting roxie cry it out if she doesn't go right to sleep. she's 9 months old. she is really starting to manipulate me though. just this evening, i bathed her, read to her, gave her a bottle and she was sleepy, but not asleep...i put her to bed and she whined for a few minutes then she SHREIKS at the top of her lungs and starts howling...i of course run to see what is going on she's trying so hard to blink out some tears for me that i just had to laugh at her. the minute i came into sight the shreiking stopped, but it was so funny watching her to TRY to squeeze out some tears for me. it took over an hour to get her to sleep. should i just stop going to her once she's in bed for the evening? am i just making things worse by going in there to lay her back down and cover her back up?
- she was doing so well with this, but it seems like the older she gets the worse she is about bedtime.

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Name: homemommichele | Date: May 21st, 2007 2:08 AM
It's a phase, she'll get over it. I suggest that method where you go back in and comfort every few minutes and extend the time each time before you go back. The routine you have sounds good. Every kid is different. My oldest is now 8 and I am about to off him right now, it is after 10 pm here on a school night and he is still playing around and won't go to sleep. My 2 year old, when he is tired gets his pacifier, drops where he is, puts his hand in his hair and he is out...so easy!! 

Name: Bunnio | Date: May 21st, 2007 2:15 AM
oh my gosh..what a little manipulator! Even though olbi is 5 months old..and i can clearly see that he is tired..i put him into his bed with his blankey and let him sit in there..most cases he goes to sleep maybe 10% of the time..he screams his nuts off..its bearly for 5 minutes and he is sound asleep.

I think personally you are doing the right thing..get in early now..you dont want a spoilt kid with no boundries demanding like that.

Other thing i do..is take olbi for a drive in the car when i see that he is tired and wont settle..it puts him to sleep within 5 minutes...when i get home he is too groogey to be bothered waking up so agian i put him down with his blankey and he goes to sleep. 

Name: Emma2 | Date: May 21st, 2007 2:28 AM
omg...you should have seen those crocodile tears... too funny. yeah, i don't want her to think she can whip up some fake tears and get whatever she wants...i hate it when she does that though because my heart feels like it stops when she screams like that. *ugh* she always seems to act up like this when my husband is working late...so basically every sunday. oh and she'll sleep in the car too, but the minute i take her out of the seat she's awake...idk... i hate feeling like such a meanie, but i know i have to do it. 

Name: Bunnio | Date: May 21st, 2007 2:33 AM
Yeh its hard..i can tell when oliver is genuine in his tears..and when he is being a little fake! ..when he is upset he does go red in the face..when he is just faking it its normal face colour...that and if i walk near him or past him he shuts up looks at me and smiles... VERY cheecky....they are too smart for there own good i think 

Name: Randi | Date: May 21st, 2007 2:37 AM
I am letting my son cry it out now. I go in every half hour and give him his soother and cover him up. We have been doing it for 3 days now and the results have been incredible so far. Way less fuss already. It is exhausting for us, my husband and I take turns dealing with him and watching the clock, but we know it is going to be better in the long run. GOOD LUCK! 

Name: winnmom | Date: May 21st, 2007 2:52 AM
Hi Emma2,
I agree with the other ladies....
Let her cry....go in every few minutes so she does not feel abandoned....and each time take a bit longer to go in.....for most people this system takes at the most 1 week ....and then they go to sleep on their own :) 

Name: bex27 | Date: May 21st, 2007 3:08 AM
I let my kids cry it out. I did the 20 min thing - go in after 20 tuck them in etc - but usally by 20 min the were asleep. Also look for the pauses in their crying - the pauses eventually get closer together until they just go to sleep. I didn't talk to them because they are just looking for attention - and try not to look them in the eye. I hated doing it and it sounds mean but it worked. 

Name: Emma2 | Date: May 21st, 2007 12:39 PM
thanks everyone. i'm going to try this tonight. 

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