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Name: Layne
[ Original Post ]
where are you?? What are you on Holiday?/
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Name: maxieellis | Date: Aug 10th, 2006 3:03 AM
no hon...but thanks for asking. No the computer..has me near wanting to string myself up!!!!!!!!! Installed a 3d accelerator card...and well it should be simiple enough...one would think....yyyyyyeah! I have been emailing and looking and sifering...for about three days now...with a techie...and he is stumped. Card in...ob chip automaticly...disabled...drivers...are supposed to be there...its working I am using it now...but the color stinks....got only two choices...black and white...and 16 colors. Great! and the screen resolution is like 640x480 something our Charla might use LOLOLOL...its huge! Dang...I am going to beat this thing yet...just have to find a way..and discover why its not givin me the suger!!!! My colors! Bang did ya hear that when i hit !!!!!! stupid thing. I can switch back to the ob chipset monitor plug in thingee...and i will cuz to read this...is nuts....ya just cant. lololol...scroll right....then back....then right...just to read the end of a sentance. I get all my colors on the other and the screen is just fine. Plug this puppy back in and ya get friggin...zip! So now ya know...thanks for asking...i was missing ya girls...be back in a minute...gotta switch! 

Name: Layne | Date: Aug 10th, 2006 3:07 AM
well whatever you are talkin way over this ladies head. Im lucky to turn it on by myself 

Name: maxieellis | Date: Aug 10th, 2006 3:12 AM
hey you nut...what going on.... 

Name: Layne | Date: Aug 10th, 2006 3:26 AM
Oh we are having kid issues. Im sure you've heard 

Name: maxieellis | Date: Aug 10th, 2006 3:32 AM
actually no ...i havent been around...but i just now read the rain topic...up top here...kids chatting on the internet...oh my golly that is going to happen here one day too...I am so worried...but i did read what rain said...oh yeah...mom will be an eagle eye! 

Name: Layne | Date: Aug 10th, 2006 3:35 AM
I know but the little turkeys are better at it then me and this is just something else to add to the worry list. Times are gettin harder all the time. All these sicko's in the world. They are comin out of the wood work it seems 

Name: Layne | Date: Aug 10th, 2006 3:36 AM
Its bad enouph when we have to worry about crap in our own homes for petes sake. 

Name: maxieellis | Date: Aug 10th, 2006 3:39 AM
Yeah i know Layne...it sure seems that way....I was just reading the myspace topic. Ya know I really dont even know what it is...i could find out..but right now i have enough with email and two forums and just surfing around ya know. I dont even know how to use a ipod...or a mp3 player...good grief..I need a teenager to teach me that...even my silly cell phone...it does way toooooo much...I just want ta make stinkin call and thats it...if the ringer goes off...and it did...i hunted though a manual about a quarter inch thick to find......nothing!...had to take it to the cell people lolololol....computers i like...but thats about it! 

Name: Layne | Date: Aug 10th, 2006 3:44 AM
LOL I know its bad. I cant even get my voice mail on my phone. I tell everyone text me dont leave mesages i cant get em. Just text me. I even had the lady at verizon try and show me. Nope cant do it 

Name: Layne | Date: Aug 10th, 2006 3:45 AM
I cant even get my voice mail. The lay at verizon tried to help but nope cant do it. 

Name: Layne | Date: Aug 10th, 2006 3:46 AM
This dumn post It wouldnt let me post so i retyoed thats why you have the basic same thing there-sorry 

Name: maxieellis | Date: Aug 10th, 2006 3:51 AM
lolol...you nut...but i sure understand. I still have an answering machine on the counter in the kitchen...i dont need to be any more confused..and i just dont have time for the education of it all...way to much. Poor lady at verizon...did she get that look on her face...ya know the one that says...goodness what plant are you from..this is sooooo si -mple...I know the look. lololol 

Name: Layne | Date: Aug 10th, 2006 3:54 AM
know but she said I wasnt leaving untill I got it... So I faked it so i could go home. LOL 

Name: maxieellis | Date: Aug 10th, 2006 3:59 AM
hahahahahahahehehehehehehehehehe snort!!!!!!!!!! i am still laughing...i have done that tooooo hehehehe! 

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