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Name: Serina S
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Name: rain Title: What makes you happy

A great movie, when it is a true story. ?

Your Reply

Name: rain • Date: 05/19/2007 13:13:46

An awesome book that knocks my socks off. When my husband comes home from work looking tired, then gets a big smile on his face when I come in the room. When my dog learns a new trick. When my children show amazing character. When my house is all clean. When I come in baby crowd and someone makes me laugh until I cry. I love that one. New adventures! When someone I care about calls me. When I do something goofy by accident, and we all laugh about it. =
Name: winnmom • Date: 05/19/2007 13:25:08

Yes me too....when I see Hubby after work.
When I see my children proud of an accomplishment.
seeing my family that lives far away.
chatting with a loved one.
cuddling on the couch.
when the kids have all their clothes in the hampers Yeeaahhh! =
Name: winnmom • Date: 05/19/2007 13:25:31

When I learn something new. =
Name: rain • Date: 05/19/2007 14:44:49

Me too! Winn, do you search out knowledge if you are not getting enough by accident. =
Name: charla • Date: 05/19/2007 14:48:13

im THIRSTY for knowledge!!! lol =
Name: rosie_smith_2004 • Date: 05/19/2007 14:48:18

when my kids r happy haveing a lot of fun and when my baby learns something new.and when my hubby is happy =
Name: charla • Date: 05/19/2007 14:51:59

rosie that is really great ! =
Name: winnmom • Date: 05/19/2007 14:54:48

Yes I am always looking for something to learn.......recently I have been researching on the Masons.......very interesting.......
something strikes an interest...and I start learning on it...al that I can.
being a sahm....Our brains and routine can get a little stale......so I look for things that interest me...and search. =
Name: charla • Date: 05/19/2007 14:58:21

lol my new mission is researching paint colors! i think i have looked through about 1,000 colors so far! =
Name: rain • Date: 05/19/2007 15:01:48

brb =
Name: momo • Date: 05/19/2007 15:15:59

My 4 year old just ding good things..Lik cleaning his room without being asked.
My 3 month old laughing and trying to roll over.
My bf and me get to spend quality time with each other.
I get to spend quaility time with myself.
Reading everything..from time magazine to the telephone book
and especially this place..its my sanity releiver.. =
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Name: Serina S | Date: May 19th, 2007 7:48 PM
Name: Serina S • Date: 05/19/2007 15:29:34

A kiss from the kids and hubby and watching them play and learn ,
I think it is so cool that they love it when I teach then about the outdoors. I tell stories about the land and who live her beofre us and how they lived, teach then names of bird and trees and what berries are bad to eat and so on..and tell them about all the ivys that will make you itch!
I am happy when all the work is done ...if ther is such a thing ...LOL
Making my Mom laught she has the greatest laught!
Taking pictures I love and singing ..that sunms me up =
Name: Serina S • Date: 05/19/2007 15:32:24

Winn My mothers family was part of the Masons there symbol of the rose is part of our family crest.
I just found this out and am trying to learn more about it all. It is so cool! =
Name: charla • Date: 05/19/2007 15:33:57

my mimi's husband is part of a mason. i do not know much about it.
winn have you learned alot of interrseting things abou it?
Name: rain • Date: 05/19/2007 15:35:51

Oh, yes, very good, I researched them also. So much for their secrecy, now that we have the internet. I also love to research different religions. = 

Name: rain | Date: May 19th, 2007 8:01 PM
My childrens laughter!!!! 

Name: Serina S | Date: May 19th, 2007 8:01 PM
You all have such great comments about what nmakes you happy ! 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 19th, 2007 8:02 PM
When my fiancee cuddles me close...makes me feel loved..Or when Poppy and Daisy wants "snugs" or they laugh hysterically or say a new word 

Name: charla | Date: May 19th, 2007 8:02 PM
the angelic look of there faces when they are fast asleep. 

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