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Name: shazza_1
[ Original Post ]
Anyone got kids with unusual names?
I have 4 girls their names aren't unusual but can get confusing sometimes, they are:
Katie, Emily, Lillie + Amy
They all sound so simular (what was i thinking) !!!
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Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 20th, 2007 7:26 PM
My daughters are called Poppy and Daisy. If I have another girl her name would be Summer Marie or Lily-May 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 20th, 2007 7:28 PM
but i dont like really weird names. My names are not popular in the uk, but they are definatley not weird. There are loads of Daisy's (or Daisies even lol) at my daughters creche...and Poppy is not uncommon either 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 20th, 2007 7:29 PM
well you got MY surname wrong for starters. it aint spelt like that chick 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 20th, 2007 7:31 PM
would you mind telling me how you know pauls surname? 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 20th, 2007 7:46 PM

Name: hdc_momof2 | Date: May 20th, 2007 7:48 PM
my guess nicola is that it's somebody you "trust" and they are abusing that trust :-( so sorry hon 

Name: hdc_momof2 | Date: May 20th, 2007 7:49 PM
i remember you telling me your name in an email once....try to think of all the people you sent that too??? maybe that will help narrow it down a bit...i don't know 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 20th, 2007 7:50 PM
well im racking my brains here...i know who knows our names....if its someone who iv emailed recently...they would know how to spell my surname...its not hard.

My guess its someone american...as they ALWAYS spell it Frasier as they pronounce it like the tv show (which is not how its pronounced) 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 20th, 2007 7:51 PM
I know who i sent that email too....and to be honest...i really doubt its any of those people 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 20th, 2007 8:02 PM
tell me where you got our names from 

Name: momo | Date: May 20th, 2007 8:44 PM
i have a Rylin and Kingston...pretty unique but not overboard 

Name: hdc_momof2 | Date: May 20th, 2007 9:00 PM
my son's middle name is creighton 

Name: Serina S | Date: May 20th, 2007 9:02 PM
My sisters
Eileen, Gail,
I love unusual names Like:
Melanie you do not hear often, Janel, Nadine, Chloe, Calina, Yalonda, Jamsin,Chelse. Justina, Asaria, Miranda, Carmelita....
Boys Spencer, Justin Jerid, Leo, Coniver, Theo, Hector, Reggie...... 

Name: atomicsnowflake | Date: May 20th, 2007 9:05 PM
How about Benedict? 

Name: cinner29 | Date: May 20th, 2007 9:19 PM
my son is named Tana......it's a polynesian name! 

Name: Bunnio | Date: May 20th, 2007 9:54 PM
nicola someone else on a fake name was making fun of his last name a few weeks back - it doesnt take a genious to remember that

plus you admitted you broadcasted it on myspace..so i doubt it was someone who you just "emailed" 

Name: marija | Date: May 20th, 2007 11:14 PM
i have a nathaniel....i heard the name from my brothers record The War of the Worlds....the rest are quite common.

i like greek / roman gods at the moment Atlas, Zeus, Triton did go through a biblical moment...Azariah, Seth, Zachariah, Eziekiel. I really liked my dads name Florenzo but hubby didnt ...so it got relegated to middle name...LOL
girls names ...i liked Electra and Anatasia ...but if you live in melbourne aust....theyre a dime a dozen...very popular greek names. 

Name: lana_81 | Date: May 21st, 2007 5:05 AM
My daughter is Kirralee and I had never heard it before, i have heard Kirra alot though.. I love the name Kiara too! We have 3 other kids Connor Taylah and Couper! 

Name: Irene | Date: May 21st, 2007 9:19 AM
Hello all,
I have a few unusual names, Greek masculine Names,
I have Nicholas, Adonis, Angellos, Christos,

hey now thats different, and husbands name is Stavros, if i have more lol, id have Elias, Marcus, hmm, what else lol,
and i have daughters, id have Mariah Alexa, and Zoe Maree.
but like i said thats if i have more, but im not so theres no point telling you this.. it was fun to dream for a while :-) 

Name: mizzescalante | Date: May 21st, 2007 3:14 PM
my daughters name is xylea prounounced (zylea). my next daughters name will be jazlean or amorous. my sons name is braylan. 

Name: Nicolaaa | Date: May 21st, 2007 3:19 PM
Never broadcasted it on myspace sarah...but on this forum AGGGGGESSS ago. 

Name: BillieJean | Date: May 21st, 2007 5:50 PM
hey i have a daughter that is 9 months old and i named her daya grace..i let my mom pick it out...idk if its exactly unusual but i like it 

Name: Dana G | Date: May 21st, 2007 5:51 PM
Thats a cute neame, I never heard it before...I have a cousin Demma 

Name: maxieellis | Date: May 21st, 2007 5:56 PM
I know some folks who named their daughter Destin.....as in Destin Florida. They figured thats where she was conceived.

I like Madison, and Murphy for girls. Different a bit to me anyway. I like Zack for a boy. 

Name: winnmom | Date: May 21st, 2007 6:53 PM
Nicola, I do believe that you put your sername on here before, and that is where this person got the info.

None of my childrens names are very unusual........

For girls, I love the older names......like Victoria....LOVE IT!!!! 

Name: marija | Date: May 22nd, 2007 5:40 AM
i like the old names too winnmom....my oldest girl is Alexandra.
i still like Elizabeth...but cant stand Liz...same with Victoria....i dont like Vicky...Here is aus if your name can be shortened...IT WILL :-( 

Name: hdc_momof2 | Date: May 22nd, 2007 9:53 AM
i like the name isabelle. i wanted to name alyssa that but shawn absolutely refused lol. it's ok though....she got a lovely name lol 

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