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Name: Sammy
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Is it safe to travel with a one month year old on a airplain?
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Name: Jenni | Date: Aug 16th, 2005 3:41 PM
I think if it wasn't safe, the airlines would not alow it. My cousin recently flew with a 6 week old. Make sure you have a pacifier or bottle for him/her to suck on to help with the popping of the ears. 

Name: Kelly | Date: Aug 30th, 2005 4:00 AM
I have read somewhere that they have to be at least 3 days old....I would check with your doctor to make sure. Some airlines have a 3 day to 7 day limit. Just check around. 

Name: chimey | Date: Sep 8th, 2005 4:16 PM
absolutely..... i travelled the world with my daughter ever since she was a baby and now she is 21 months and havent stopped...go ahead...and most of the airlines have great stuff to help out with babies...............yeah make sure you make the baby suck on a bottle or a pacifier when you take off and land. have fun...... 

Name: sultan | Date: Sep 12th, 2005 4:31 PM
Am 15 years old, and am in my final year, and I want to become pilot when Ieave and I want to know what qualification I need to become a pilot? 

Name: jennifer | Date: Nov 5th, 2005 12:59 AM
is it safe to travel with a 2 month infant on a airplane ? 

Name: Tomoko | Date: Nov 16th, 2005 2:21 AM
I think it's up to how long your flight is and what your doctor has to say. My sister-in-law in the States had to wait at least a month and a half to travel within the country. The other sister-in-law from the States had to wait 2+ months to fly to China. I'm in Japan and wanted to go to the States and asked my doctor about it, and he told me to wait a few months to fly with a baby. So, it's up to where you're at, where you're going, and what your dotor has to say about it, I think... 

Name: LF | Date: Dec 29th, 2005 4:59 PM
I need to travel next year with my husband. He he is getting relocated to Japan. My baby will be about 2month and I know is 14 hour flight. I kind of thinking if I should stay for an extra 2 months so that my baby will 4 month the only thing is that if I don't live when he lives I wont him to help me on the flight when I live 2 month later I don't know what to do. I do want to ask my Dr. but I also like to do my own research. 

Name: Jess | Date: Dec 30th, 2005 10:31 PM
We want to adopt a newborn in another state and I asked the dr about flying back with her (the adoption didn't work out). She said it was not an issue at all even just a few days old. She said it may not be comfortable with her ears popping, but that it could not be harmful in anyway. 

Name: Tomoko | Date: Jan 5th, 2006 10:20 AM
To LF,
I don't know if this will help, but February in Japan is the coldest month of the year. I think there won't be any problem to fly here if your baby will be 2 months old then, but you might want to bring a very warm blanket and everything else to protect your baby from the cold. It all depends on what part of Japan, though. If you are going to the Pacific ocean side, it's bit warmer than the Japan sea side. I'm from south Japan and now live in Chiba, by the Pacific ocean side. It feels warmer here than my hometown in south Japan.
I have many friends who traveled back to Japan from the States with their babies, and they seemed to have had good flights. I hope this helps you in making a decision somehow... Good luck with your flight. 

Name: jessica | Date: Apr 24th, 2006 10:59 PM
when i travelled with my six month old it was a nitemare he cried all the way even wen i gave him his dummy n bottle he knew he was somewhere strange.changing him onboard was a struggle i had to go in to the tiny toilet it was cramped .will wait till he is at least 3 to travel like when i travelled first with my daughter better all round . 

Name: bnn | Date: Apr 27th, 2009 2:03 AM
is it safe to travel with infant on lap 

Name: aka ACA | Date: May 15th, 2009 11:14 AM
when we had our first infant it was May..ONE month later,,me and my husband were eager to travel..we left our baby with my parents, they say its unsafe and anyways its less tiring without him..i missed him hard time. 

Name: akan ACA | Date: May 15th, 2009 11:17 AM
I think if it wasn't safe, the airlines would not alow it. anywasys i were about to take him but my husband wants to have fun not listening to him crying. 

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