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Name: Linda Anderson
[ Original Post ]
Our business is based on the belief that there are simple solutions to the seeming dilemma of being stuck in the working class for life. We believe those solutions are based on enabling the entrepreneurial spirit and helping people find a proven way to become financially independent. Some people spend their entire life working, then retiring with need because they haven’t accepted the existence of a bona fide alternative.
Our approach is simple: Start a modest business with the power to change your future forever. We know of a system that provides upward mobility for those still earning a salary and doing the other things necessary in life. Our focused mission is on helping those who chose to work part time to establish leveraged, residual income. We suggest an affordable home based business and we mentor the personal growth needed for success. We work with our new associates and we all accomplish more together than any of us can separately.
Our intention is greater than making it possible for people to move into the upper class. It permits the dignity of self-sustainability and provides the lifestyle of a life of ease earned by their efforts and their vision in offering others the same opportunity, and helping with its fulfillment.
This revelation of one’s ability to break out of the working class may seem obvious, but it hasn’t been obvious for most people. It won’t be obvious to many until offered the opportunity by another person who is also working on this noble goal, perhaps someone like you.
If you would like more information on this team. http://tiny.ly/72OC
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