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Name: mom_of_one
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Hello all i am new to this and i am looking for some infor and help i just found out my son has ODD with ADHD he has had ADHD for years now but i found out today that he has ODD and i am lost and dont know were to turn if any one could send me the right way i would be happy i am a single mom and i just dont know were to go please help me thanks
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Name: mar22 | Date: Apr 3rd, 2007 1:22 AM
first of all see if their is behaviuoral counselling in your community and to see about an in home support worker to help deal with the difiant issues this has helped my son out tramendously he is six soon to be seven next week. my son also has adhd and odd but with all of the supports and help hes been getting with servises he is going to be re testes down the road and they feel he may not have the odd tendencies anymore. he has taken extensive social skills programming, you may want to see if this is offered where you are. consistancy has be a key help in the home having set rules for behaviour for example if my son hits kick or does anything fisical hes sat a t the table to practice safety meaning he stays there for about half hour colouring or playing with playdo or drawing all these thigs are in his safety box. hes nt aloud to talk to anyone but is alowed to have a snack go to washroom or have a drink he there to practice safe hands. this was helped put in place by the behaviouralist that came to our home. now my son now what is going to happen if he does these actions and is easily to settle now. its aloot of work in the begiining cause it always gets wrsoe before better casue they test all there avenues out then realize your not giving in and its a definate consequence every time that they adjust better nowing the boudaries after while. no i gett yeah yeah i no mom saftey at the table wish i never did that. sorry im rambling home some of what i have to offer is helpful good luck 

Name: Dreamsofchild | Date: Apr 5th, 2007 3:55 AM
Our son had been diagnosed with ADHD but nwo they are saying its Only the ODD feel free to email me at [email protected]
Best wishes

Name: KathyK | Date: Apr 9th, 2007 5:41 PM
My son was diagnosed at age 4 with O.D.D. I have never heard of that before so I did alot of research so that I would be better prepared on what to deal with. My son is also recieving services, mobile therapy, a tss worker (therapeutic staff support)and a behavioral specialist. The mobile therapist comes 1x a week and the tss worker is here almost every day. The behavioral specialist comes 1x a week and they all work with him on his behavior and how to deal with his anger. I would check out in your community to see what is available to you and your son. If you can get him these services (and maybe medication)if he needs it that should help. My son needs medication to keep him calm. Without it he is hard to deal with. He is very physical with me and my daughter (especially me)and is starting to have issues at school.
It is alot of work I agree, but it is worth it if you can find the help you need.
We sometimes make him sit in a chair until he calms down because when he doesn't get his way he makes life very difficult for all of us. You have to set alot of boundaries for him and be consistant. We found out the hard way that once there is no consistancy then he takes advantage big time.
We are also just starting to go to a group that meets once a month and talks with other kids and the parents about what is going on with them and us. It does help to have someone else to talk to who knows what you are going through. We share ideas on what works for our kids and what doesn't and there is a counselor there to also talk to them and the parents.
I wish you luck and hope you can find the help you need. 

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