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Name: KathyK
[ Original Post ]
My 5 year old son who was diagnosed at 4 with odd and has been on medications (Risperdal, Depakote, and Mirtzapine)for a year and I just went to see his pschologist today and I asked him if he thought my son has adhd. He said that it looks like he does and now wants to put him on yet another medication on top of the 3 he is already on. He wants to put him on Adderal and I want to know if anyone else's child is on Adderal and what it does for them. I am concerned about over medicating him and am waiting to see another doctor. I am not happy with this one and want another opinion. I feel like this doctor is all about medicating and that is it. I need some advise. If anyone is dealing with this medicine please let me know what you think.
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Name: MN-MOM | Date: Apr 26th, 2007 9:04 PM
Kathy: My son has both ADHD and ODD (6 yrs old). What I have found is that when we treat the ADHD with medication his ODD symptoms subside greatly, making behavior modification easier to do. You may be able to not use the Risperdal/Depakote or Mirtzapine and only use the one medication for ADHD. Sometimes getting the right ADHD medication can also be trial and error. But once again, not always, but many times ODD symptoms will diminish greatly when the ADHD is treated first (confirmed by the child psychologist I am working with now). 

Name: JDolfin74 | Date: Apr 29th, 2007 1:04 AM
Adderall is a good medicine. I would also be concerned about the volume of medications that your son is on. Perhaps one can be taken away in lou of the adderall. You can google search any medication and find out good information about the drug in question. 

Name: January | Date: May 2nd, 2007 7:04 PM
A couple of years ago my son was taking Risperidal at night and Adderall during the day. After a while it wasn't working, they were treating his anxiety and adhd with those meds. Since he's been diagnosed with ODD and is taking concerta during the day and seroquel at night with good results. 

Name: tdeaks | Date: May 4th, 2007 9:57 AM
that seems like alot of medication my son has been on heap but only 1 at a time could you please give me some info on how respiradal affected your child he is 7 and on 1 mg. and maby for you a second opinion for you would be a good idea 

Name: mikeys mom | Date: May 4th, 2007 11:40 PM
Hi, I just started my son on it. The therapist says it's a low dosage. For the first few day he would cry very, very easily. I think he's starting to get better with those symtoms. As far as the attending, the teachers notice some changes on attending. My son is on the spectrum so I was very nervouse putting him on it but so far not so bad. Hope this helps~Beth 

Name: LuckyBre | Date: May 6th, 2007 10:53 PM
My 6 year old daughter was diagnosed ADHD about 6 months ago. Initially her doctor felt strongly that her diagnosis would also include ODD and OCP. We started on Concerta - of differing doses. Once she started on the ADHD meds, the ODD and OCP behaviors were reduced to the point where they're really not even an issue anymore. While the Concerta worked well to start with, the effectiveness had disappeared so her doctor changed to Adderal about a month ago. The first few days she was extremely different. She was SUPER quiet - barely even talked and by early evening, she was just crashed and tired. I was concerned that the dosage was too high, or the med wasn't for her, but I decided to give it a week to see what happened. Amazingly, after the first week she seemed to level out and those affects disappeared. However, the last week I have noticed a really big difference in her behavior when the meds wear off. She's a lot worse when it wears off than with no meds at all. I'm going to be talking to her doctor this week to see what we can do.
I hope this helps! 

Name: KathyK | Date: May 7th, 2007 5:37 PM
Thanks for your input. I really appreciate all of the information people can give me. I am going to start my son on the adderall and see if it helps. I guess if he is showing side effects than I can always have it stopped. I am supposed to give him the adderall in the morning before school and I don't give him the Risperdal until he gets home from school so there is enough time between medications. I have to do something because his odd signs are still out there and it is bad. He is still aggressive (I know the other meds won't take them away altoghether)but I am curious to see if the Adderall helps.
Thanks again 

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