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Name: robert holman
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i was hoping for the best but at the end of the school day the teacher was insisting that my 5 year old has adhd. i knew he was hard headed but didn't think he was adhd. is it possible that my child is just an average 5 year old boy?He's smart,polite, well manered, but a little hyper.
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Name: lherndon | Date: Aug 17th, 2006 2:01 AM
i know exactly what you are talking about. my son is 6 and when he was in pre-school his teacher insisted that he be put on something. so his doctor started him on focalin and he was on that until this summer. we took him off because he zones out to much. i still firmly believe like you that his just an overactive little boy. his teacher this year is willing to work with us to try some alternative methods. but like you at this point im open to any help i can get and wherever i can get it from 

Name: bartels03 | Date: Aug 17th, 2006 3:26 AM
It is very easy to think your boy is just being well...a boy but it is more than that and after going to see a therapist to talk about how everyone is feeling, me being in denial at first he couldn't possibly be ADHD so refusing any meds and then the teachers sending home notes every other day saying he did or in some cases didn't do something when he was sappose to. When children are ADHD they don't understand why they feel the way they feel and its twice as bad when they are so young because a "normal" 5/6 year old doesn't know how to communicate everything they are feeling. Its best to try and keep an open mind when dealing with ADHD and try to put yourself in their shoes, how difficult school must be when you reall can't pay attention for longer than just a few minutes before loosing interest or feeling like you constantly have to be on the move, their minds are going faster than they can handle. Everyday learning is a lot harder than you might think for children like that and sometimes it is much better for them in the long run to take that leap and trust what the teachers are saying and not think they just don't know how to handle your child, it is one of the hardest things to do but my son has only been on meds about 6 months and I have seen so much improvement in not only his school work but his self-esteem which is SO important at this age. I am not a professional I am just speaking from experience and making quite a few mistakes along the way. hope I helped in some way 

Name: mommyp3 | Date: Aug 17th, 2006 5:00 AM
Funny how teachers do that! My son's first day of kindergarted about 3 years ago, same thing! I think these schools are so over crowded it is like a process of elimination! Don't let them tell you your kid has ADHD after only the first day of school!!! That teacher is both lazy and insane! Give it some time! Yeah, your son may have it but give it at least a few weeks or months to tell! Maybe go sit in the class with him and observe. Good luck and don't give up! Welcome to the world of dealing with the schools! It has been an ongoing battle for me and my son is 8! Be strong and you decide your child's future not the school! 

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