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Name: june95
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My 9 year old son is ADHD. I had him diagnosed about 2 years ago. I think I have finally excepted that this is what it is he has. Anyways, this year he is in the 4th grade. He is a smart bright young boy. The teacher even admits this. But he get upset so easily. For instance today he had a major tantrum in class. He stomped, yelled and then started to cry, and held the class up for about 10 minutes. All because he could not find his folder. He was then told by the teacher if this happens again he will get a conduct referral. I understand the teacher, I guess, that this is not acceptable. I spoke with my son, explained again what will happen if he does this. We have taken away his favorite thing, the computer. But I know that at some point he will do something like this again. He has tantrums here at home, when we don't let him do things he wants. It seems that he is always having these outbursts. He gets teased alot at school also, and this doesn't help the situation. He does not have many friends, and this breaks my heart. I know it has a lot to do with him getting frustrated. But he can be so bright and funny. What do I do about these outbursts, We do talk to him, we take his favorite things away. What else? He takes Adderal, I have read about the medicines. Is there one that helps this area of his problem? I am new to this, and finally have accepted he has ADD/ADHD. Please help with any advice
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Name: Michelle | Date: Oct 11th, 2007 3:04 AM
I cured Cadee's adhd by changing the food that goes in her. Two years ago she was 5 and on retalin. She did the same thing that your son is doing. In her case with that drug, it was actually drug withdrawl. So, you might ask if you can give him drugs more often. She was more adhd when she was going through retalin withdrawl than she had ever been. You might want to check the food and drug administration webside and type adderal side affects (or effects). His behavior might be a side affect of the drug. Cadee's problem was that she was allegic to high fructose corn sugar and some other foods. When she ate anything ending in ose, it gave her a burst of energy. Most people can handle it when the energy burst wares off. With Cadee her brain kept going full speed, but she was tired. So she had trouble sleeping, and she was overly sensitive like your child. I hope that this helps. There is a title her called cure for adha. I wrote it. It is about Cadee's diet. 

Name: Ks mom | Date: Oct 11th, 2007 4:10 AM
June95, Take a deep breath . I will first let you know that I have a 15 year old boy with ADHD, ADD and LD. He was diagnosed at the age of four. It started in Pre-school and has been a fight till today. Infact I'm in a rut with the school as we speak.
With my experience I have found that positive reinforcement is a must. He needs obtainable goals with reward. Medication modification has been constant in our lives. What works for one may not another, my son takes Strattera. I am able to adjust his doage as needed. He will be moving from 25mg to 40 tomorrow. He is also now at the age of being able to comunicate. He was never able to really make us understand how he was feeling. I also agree with Michelle about the withdrawl. Its a awful feeling for them and they don't handle it well.
ADHD children suffer from overload sensory input from natural noises and activities. What he his hearing in his brain is like a room full of t.v.'s all on a different station, so what your saying may not even get through to him. Talking to long also overloads and leads to them shutting down .So loud noises or activites can cause them to loose control or get frustrated. The other children teasing him does not help and we went through this also. You can only take on so much but remember your are your son's voice right now and only you can guide him.
What I have learned is to not always trust the Dr's or teachers. I question everything and do lots of research. I get the school board involved and don't back off. We have a IEP that I stay on top of and once I feel that they are slacking I call them out on it. I stay in contact with everyone involved by phone or e-mail. We have regular visits with a medication doctor and a counsler. I give my son the opportunity to talk with me in the room or without. But please don't get me wrong he is a normal boy with normal dreams and goals to an extent. I have had to make the entire family change to accomidate him as well as my son. We use soft voices , clear words , eye contact, goal charts, instant rewards, structure his enviroment , and give him lots of love.
I also know what you mean by bright and funny . Trey ( my son ) found early on that his positive reaction from others came from being funny or silly. This was a problem at school and took us awhile to get under control. We had to work hard with him about the appropriate time and place for that. He still to this day can make me laugh till I cry. He is a bright , handsome, caring, lovable man now. We still have problems but work with him on recongnizing when he feels frustrated and have given him appropriate steps to take to help releive the problem. You will find that if your son was taken out of the room for 10 to 15 minutes to cool off he would have recovered and gone on with the day. The teacher sounds to me that she may need to make some modifications for him and maybe give him a safe space to go chill in. Even class room work can be modified.
One of Treys teachers had a bean bag or a special place. He never had to say anything to her, just get up and go chill, It helped save us from several outbursts. You will also find that with each year you will have to explaine all over again and get everyone schooled on him. I'm taking to much space but stay strong and e-mail me if you need to. I'm always willing to share and hopefully help. I'm still searching for answers myself.

Name: june95 | Date: Oct 11th, 2007 1:04 PM
Thank you for the advice. Michelle & Ks mom, Michelle how do I look at Cadee's diet? Because I know my son does not eat very well at all. and KS the information about how his brain is like a room full of TV's. Just this morning we were talking about what happened yesterday. I asked him when math class was, he stated it is after lunch! Then he made a comment how he has a hard time eating because they talk too much. Do you think this could trigger it? As for the withdrawal, it does seem like this last week he has been having a hard time again. So does this kind of withdrawal means he needs more of a dosage? or a different kind. One more question for you guys, were you scared to put your child on meds, afraid of what it can possibly affect health wise later in life. It just concerns me. Thanks again for your feedback. June95 

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