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Name: Akisha
[ Original Post ]
My five year old is maiking me crazy, acting up in school and telling lies about my fience who he calls dad making his teachers crazy. What can I do to help him stop his out burst and his lieing. We give him atention just like the other two and what he said about my fience I know is not true, and when he was asked about it he turned it around and said I was the lier. Please, please,please help before this goes to far!!
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Name: rozella ely | Date: Apr 7th, 2007 1:12 AM
Dear Akisha,

Have you tried some ADHD meds.? I have a 6 year old with ADHD and autism. He hit kids, teachers, his twin and his mother. I know your son is 5 but if he is striking out at others and hurting it may be that it is beyond his control. In kids' brains that have ADHD, the circuitry of the frontal lobe is not connected. Often times, the child will do something impulsively without thought to action or consequence. Frontal lobes are responsible for impulse control. People expect appropriate behavior no matter the problems that your child is having. Before my son started ADDERALL XR, the school psychologist suggested trying Mountain Dew. I thought, "you must be nuts!" ADHD meds are basically uppers that work in children under the age of 13 the opposite way. Adults drink mountain dew to get a boost; but in kids, it calms them down in most cases. Your child's Dr. can give you forms for you and your child's teacher to fill out. I guarantee you that your son's teacher will be more than happy to fill out the forms. If you look at it this way ADHD is a neuro-biochemical problem in the chemical and connecting circuitry of the brain. Liken it to diabetes if you will. If there is a chemical imbalance in the blood and it can be helped out with meds. you would try it right? If you are completely opposed to the thoughts of medication, maybe give the mountain dew a try or for a longer lasting effect and probably much cheaper; a cup of coffee with some sugar and milk. Actually mountain dew has 50mg of caffeine whereas coffee has 150 mg. of caffeine. I believe that you really want to help your son get some control the younger so that he can be successful in school and have a good self esteem. I have seen a good difference and I have been on both sides of the meds. issue. I am a first grade teacher and I have 6 year old kindergarten twins. One is ADHD WITH recently diagnosed AUTISM. I gladly fill out forms for parents and I have requested forms to be fill out. Good luck on your little guy. If he can get a handle on his impulse control he will probably enjoy school and learn a lot-Rozella 

Name: austintroup | Date: Apr 9th, 2007 9:42 PM
please explain what he said about your fiance... I think i can help..are you divorced to his father or what?? Please I think I can help!! 

Name: docmom | Date: Apr 25th, 2007 5:25 AM
When my son was very young and I did not know what was available, they tried to kick him out of school in second grade. I did not know what to do and did not think I had any options. Dont make my mistake. I learned they have funding for not only putting in ramps for kids in wheelchairs, but also for designing "alternative learnign programs" for kids with problems like ADHD or ADD. Check into an IEP (Individual Educational Program). The only way I knew it existed was because I called a place called "Child Advocacy Services". Before I called them they wanted to kick my 2nd grader out of school. When I called this place, within 24 hours, the school was wiiling to set up testing sesion and find the funding for my son to have an IEP. (All schools have the funding, they just may not be willing to give up the money because they want to spend it on onther things.) I am not sure where you are, but the info I have is:
[email protected]

a two years I begged the school to help me and all they would tell me is I needed to send him to a treatment center. Once I called this place it took 24 hours to have my son put on an IEP ( which I had never heard of and the school never offered) which allowed him not only to stay in school but also required the school to make special accomidations for his disabiliy the same as the would for a child with as physical disabiility. If this info is not for a place in your area, I am sure they have info for where ever you are. Good luck to you and remember... Dont give up fighting. This is no different than if you were fighting to have ramps put in for your child with no legs, or what ever classes were needed for a child with dyslexia. Our children are no different. 

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