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Name: tallone970
[ Original Post ]
I dont even know where to start. Its 11pm here and my son cant sleep because "I cant stop thinking about the TV" (which is off by the way) and hes not quiet about his complaints either and his sister shares his room. I want to go to bed but something about being who I am says that its just not POSSIBLE to go to sleep before your children are both soundly sleeping. Hes been on ritalin for ages now so I dont see this as a medication problem. Not sure how to get him to fall asleep. Hes HORRIBLE to wake up in the morning anyway let alone when he cant sleep the night before. Any ideas (aside from reading him a story, rubbing his back, playing soft music and threatening with punishment if he doesnt quiet down and sleep (probably not the best course of action but I ran out of options)) So. HELP?
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Name: taybry | Date: Oct 19th, 2006 1:19 PM
You know , I have the same problem with my daughter, she didn't get to sleep until after 11 either and thats pretty much every night, like you I can't until she does. I have heard some people use melatonin , it can be found in health food areas, check with his doctor first, it helps the brain simulate darkness or something to that affect or in the past have a fan going in the room creates a white noise. 

Name: momOFthree | Date: Oct 19th, 2006 5:30 PM
My 2 daughters share a room too and (age 5 and 2) and the oldest has ADHD. We found that putting out 5 year old to bed first with an established routine (bath, teeth, book, devotion, prayer, lullaby) and stay very strict that she is not to come out of her room (if she does, don't say a word, just walk her back in) and don't give in to ANYTHING because if you do it once (glass of water, etc.) they will ask for it EVERY time and have tantrums because they don't understand.

I just started the sticker reward system, and she gets one sticker for getting ready for bed with no fuss and another for staying quiet when I leave her room.

We used to have lot's of problems too, but staying strict worked for us, and even if she's not tired some nights she stays in bed and reads a book.

Also, we just attended a seminar and the doctor said that you shouldn't let them watch TV and hour before bedtime as kids with ADHD get WAY too stimulated to fall asleep.

Let me know how it goes, my thoughts are with you! 

Name: jamberrt | Date: Oct 20th, 2006 12:26 AM
Before I got to the end of your story I was going to tell you about a friend of mine who reads to her kids for AT LEAST an hour before bed. 7:00 they race to put on their pajamas and whoever's back first gets to pick the first book. My daughter is on concerta and risperdone. We've upped her risperdone...she takes it an hour before bed and it helps along with something warm and sweet. Hot chocolate or I buy a "tension tamer" tea and add it to milk and a bit of sugar...that's phenomenal!! Really knocks out my wee one.

Big hug...we were up from 12:20 to 3:40 this morning. And there's 2 of us... 

Name: sharonburrows | Date: Oct 20th, 2006 1:52 PM
I have a suggestion. First, my name is Sharon, I am in Florida. I too am a single mom of two boys, Alex 4 and Nicholas 7. Nicholas has ADHD. SO I am absolutely right there with you!!!!

I have two suggestions..First, I use "winding down" time at night, no lights, no tv, no music, no video games, nothing. We (all three of us) listen to soft relaxing music or the silence is the relaxig music is too stimulating to Nicholas. I start this 1 hour before bed, winding down a kid with adhd takes FOREVER.......

Second, his continued focus or obsession on an object is a mental and thought process issue. Ask the doctor about this. Are there other times in his day that he is fixated or "stuck" on an object, sentence, behavior, etc?? Repeating things is another "stuck" behavior.

Remember, he can't help himself and his brain is telling him what to do, we have to help them get their brains under control.

Maybe it is time to check an adjustment to his medication or a new medication. I am using Daytrana. It is a patch that I put on my sons hip in the moring before school. It kicks in and works all day. I take it off at 6pm at night, he eats, has some rebound behavior and is in bed before the medication wears off. So he actually fully rebounds during sleep. THis helps alot with adhd behavior. 

Name: jamberrt | Date: Oct 21st, 2006 3:14 PM
Define rebound behaviour? Is that good or not? 

Name: riggerswife | Date: Oct 23rd, 2006 5:17 AM
Hi I dunno if you have tried any herbs or not, but a friend of mine uses Bach Resuce Remedy herb or Hylands Calm. Her son is also on ritalin which can cause sleep problems. It is worth a try. 

Name: new mum | Date: Oct 23rd, 2006 8:13 PM
l have a son that hasnt slept since birth but we moved in march and now he sleep very well have you tryed keeping him up late or ask at his son for help yours karen 

Name: dizzy | Date: Oct 30th, 2006 8:57 PM
I am a single mum and i was alway told i never had a good bedtime routine, but i did. I tried lavender and camomile to no avail. Melatonin has worked wonders for my daughter and on the slow release capsules she sleeps all night it only takes 15 minutes to work. we produce it naturally as dusk falls but my daughter takes it as a capsule. i think you really should talk to his doc it can be prescribed if not its expensive to buy but it works. good luck 

Name: tallone970 | Date: Nov 3rd, 2006 6:45 AM
Thank you to everyone that responded. I have an appointment to talk to his doctor in a couple of weeks. I am going to post a new topic because I am having some new feedback and I am really needing some advice. Please look that up. I'll call it distressed Mom. 

Name: toxinfreehome | Date: Nov 14th, 2006 6:36 PM
I am new to this forum. My son has signs of ADHD as well. I have tried several things (no prescription drugs) I am so terrified to even try prescription drugs, I was told that our brains suffer from nutrition, which cause a lot of things, (i.e. depression, ADHD, ADD) so, I am starting on vitamins. What do you guys think? 

Name: jamberrt | Date: Nov 14th, 2006 7:24 PM
Definitely good idea. I'm also trying no artificial color/ sweeteners. My girlfriends kids have no reaction from Splenda so she uses it to bake. Another friend has taken her son off gluten - she says he gets violent. So 2 pieces of rye bread a day and after that it's rice bread, crackers... 

Name: adp | Date: Mar 16th, 2007 11:39 PM
It Maybe additional meds needed to help children get to sleep. it could be a side effect from meds 

Name: Jill | Date: Oct 23rd, 2007 11:50 PM
Hi Ladies, My name is Jill. I have one son who is 23 yrs old now. He was also diagnosed with ADHD and he also, on occassion suffers from Anxiety. I have tips to help you with your children, and I have been a single mom for 20 yrs. as well. Please email me at [email protected] if you need someone to talk to. God Bless! 

Name: MARIA | Date: Oct 27th, 2007 1:31 AM
YOU SHOULD NOT THREATEN THEM BECAUSE THEY MIGHT NOT GO TO SLEEP BECAUSE THEY MIGHT THINK YOUR GONNA HIT THEM OR SOMETHING BUT DON'T THREATEN THEM!and since your a single mom that should be hurting you too right?ok well my cuzins r bothering me so thats all i can tell u for now. so hit me back when u can. ok bye! 

Name: Research Student | Date: Oct 28th, 2007 10:04 PM
Man! ... I hear you! My ADHD child STILL has trouble with sleeping and he is now 19. Adderall worked pretty well for him during the day but then he needed something different at night due to the sleep disorder. Please take him to a male psychiatrist ... get a second opinion ... whatever you need to do to get some relief ... find someone who is more than just a "take this for a couple of weeks and let me know if it doesn't help" kind of doctor. He needs a man who understands his unique situation because, take it from me mom, you can't do it all.

By the way ... I'm doing some research: Did you take oral contraceptives before his conception? for how long? and do you happen to be Rh-negative? 

Name: MN-MOM | Date: Oct 29th, 2007 1:56 PM
Melatonin works wonders for our son too. It only takes 20-30 minutes to take effect. It's all natural, and in the U.S. it's non-prescription. It's in the section of the store with the vitamins. I also researched it....all test have shown to be very safe. 

Name: fred | Date: Oct 31st, 2007 4:23 PM
if you need a sugerdaddy then get in contact with me at

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