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Name: Clueless12
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I am hearing so much about ADHD these days, and I am wondering more and more about it. Can anyone fill me in on the signs and symptoms? How is it treated? Thanks!
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Name: Anne Marie Russell | Date: Jul 8th, 2005 2:46 AM
There are different kinds. There is ADD which is attention defeciet disorder. ADHD is the same thing with hyperactivity. My 7 year has ADHD. He can not focus on one thing long periods of time. He has to be constantly doing something. He can not sit still. He bounces off the wall. There are meds at there./ Some of the earlier ones like Ritalin you want to stay away from. I hope this helps. 

Name: Heidi | Date: Aug 10th, 2005 7:41 PM
How do you know if a child has ADHD? My son (8) has seen 3 neuologists & has been told he has it & then one said he does not have it. He is hyper & has a very hard time focusing in school. He gets A' & B's & is very smart. He was on Reitalin & had every side effect imaginable. We put him on Straterra which slowed down the hyperness but still could not focus in school. He is starting 3rd grade & we still do not know what to do. Every doctor tells me they can look at a child & there school work & tell me he has ADHD. I'snt there some brain test available? 

Name: chantelle young | Date: Sep 3rd, 2007 8:23 PM
my son has got adhd is there any advice u can recommed to help me with his condition 

Name: Jennifer | Date: Sep 5th, 2007 1:15 AM
Anne: Why do you say to stay away from Ritalin ? Just curious. 

Name: Jennifer | Date: Sep 5th, 2007 1:24 AM
There are at home check lists available on the computer for you to ask yourself about your child. Most of them are similar of each other and if you answer "yes" to a certain amount your child could have ADHD. It asks things like: is your child impulsive, spontaneous, runs like a motor, constant chatter, interrupting, can't wait his turn, trouble focusing, etc. If this sounds like your child you may want to see your pediatrician or child psychologist. 

Name: Jennifer | Date: Sep 5th, 2007 8:53 PM
The book for younger children has the same title only the age is different. Try looking up STEP program and the author Don Dinkmeyer. The subtitle is Systematic Trainng for Effective Parenting of Children Under Six. I read everything I can get my hands on as well. I teach in public schools so I am prevy to a lot of info that other people may not be accessible to, so I am luck in that respect. I got this STEP book from my school guidance counselor, as a matter of fact! Good luck! 

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