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Name: LuckyBre
[ Original Post ]
I have a 6 year old daughter who was diagnosed with "off the charts" ADHD about 6 months ago. We initially tried using Concerta (3 different doses), but then about a month ago her doctor switched her to Adderal. The first few days were a little strange - she was SO completely quiet. She was, as I've seen referred to, a bit of a "zombie". While I was really concerned, I decided to give it a week. By the end of the week, she had adjusted and things were going well. During the day now, she seems to be managing quite well, thanks to the Adderal. However, one thing is very different. There is a HUGE difference in her behavior in the mornings before her meds and when they wear off at night. In fact, she seems to be worse than before she ever started taking the Concerta.

I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this with their children who take Adderal.

I appreciate the help!
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Name: mumsy3 | Date: May 7th, 2007 3:27 PM
I've found the same with my 6 year old son but he takes Ritalin, i thought it was withdrawl symptons. 

Name: michellefarnham | Date: May 9th, 2007 3:14 PM
Hello! My daughter was also diagnosed when she was five she is eight now..we tried adderall first and it was a nite and day difference...we couldn't believe how much it helped, she was quiet, almost zombie like but after that she was fine, but there came a period when the adderall would make her "worse" then before meds were started she is on concerta now in the mornings and we give her ritilin in the afternoon after the concerta has worn off. good luck im having a hard time with with sassy back talking now, and im going crazy!! 

Name: KathyK | Date: May 21st, 2007 4:58 PM
My son just started the Adderall and I was very concerned at first too. I give it to him in the morning before school and it seems to calm him down. When he gets home from school he gets Risperdal and that seems to help him (most of the time)stay pretty calm. He still has outbursts once in a while but they are nothing compared to what they used to be. When he first started the Adderall his appetite was not good at all which greatly concerned me. Now though since he has been on it for about 3 weeks his appetite seems to be increasing again which is a good thing. I don't need him losing weight because of the medication. 

Name: wendyjean | Date: May 28th, 2007 1:13 AM
i have a son that is six years old and he takes adderal also, if i dont give him his pill in the morning before school he gets written up on a pink card for talking in class distracting other students, etc, well in the evening it wears off i have to start his bedtime routine at 7 pm and he doesnt go to sleep until 10 pm if im lucky...he gets emotional in the evening and starts yelling and doesnt cooperate with me on anything from dinner to a bath to homework and a bedtime story , of course he means the world to me but it is very stressful and i wish things could run more smoothly..... 

Name: wendyjean | Date: May 28th, 2007 1:16 AM
i would like to coorespond with another mother whos child takes adderall and risperal ...please email me at wkattelm at bakersfieldcollege dot edu i appreciate it 

Name: homemommichele | Date: Jun 7th, 2007 8:03 PM
My son takes adderall, and then clonidine at night to be able to get to sleep. I did not want to do it, but he was only sleeping about 4 hours a night and that had to go!! I completely have experienced that.....when it wears off the beast comes back!! 

Name: Layne | Date: Jun 8th, 2007 3:41 AM
we are starting our son on adderal soon...Im very worried as when he was younger he took it and it was awful...but now he is 12. But our doctor said it didnt work well because adderal wasnt designed to be used in young children...They like it in pre- teens...I still am concerned though...always scary to start new meds....also the Doctor is trying a dose in the morning and another mid day to keep the flow consistant...I guess his metabelism is so quick he doesnt do well with the time release...have any of you heard of this??? 

Name: sickmom | Date: Jun 8th, 2007 3:37 PM
My 12 yr old has been on Adderall XR for about 10 months now. He was diagnosed with ADHD at 7 yrs old (took Ritalin) and Tourettes in July last year. It was the Tourettes Specialist who thought he might do better on Adderall XR. He can't swallow the Adderall so he opens it up and takes it with applesauce. His Psychiatrist does not know how well this is working for him or how long as it isn't as effective as it would be if he would swallow the whole pill. His behavior is "off the wall" in the morning but he seems to be happy and in a good mood. We just can't seem to get him to do anything. His appetite comes and goes. I think that he might be going through a growth spurt right now. Yeh!
I'd love to hear more on experiences with Adderal XR as my son is very small for his age and I have come to wonder if it is doing anything for him. We see his doctor next week and I was going to see if we needed to increase it. 

Name: kewlmommy | Date: Aug 31st, 2007 2:21 AM
omg yes, this happens to my alex too.... nights and in the mornings are terrible! the adderall xr does not work for him either we need to use the straight adderall... lorie 

Name: Alicha | Date: Sep 1st, 2007 11:21 AM
OMG, I think you have answer all my question.I really thought it was me ..LOL my son is on adderall and he is terrible in the mornings and very moody at night.So do I tell his doctor about this he's been on everything and I really hate to keep changing his meds. but this is crazy I can't let him continue on like this I'm afraid I'll lose my mind.WOW...you all have know idea what this mean to me THANKS SO MUCH!!! Alicha 

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