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Name: becks
[ Original Post ]
Hi all,
I am so desperate for some help. My son is waiting an appointment to see a "specialist" as I (and the gp) suspect ADD, he has been tested for autistic spectrum but although showd most sign no diagnosis was made. Anyway, from what I have read on the net he shows strong signs of ADD. Today I wwent all guns blazing to the school and the police as he has been assaulted in school and has been subject to a "bullying campaign" to find when in the school with all evidence and teachers it was all a pack of lies from him and when asked why he said this he just shrugs and replies "I dont know". He constantly lies about everything and no matter what I threaten he doesnt stop. Please help, eyes are swollen from so many tears!!!
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Name: Michelle | Date: Oct 6th, 2007 4:38 AM
I will try to help you, but I need more information. How old is your son? Is he around people who lie? Does he have a two parent home? Are you paying the doctors with insurance or are the taxpayers paying? Does he go to church or a place to learn that telling a lie is wrong? I want to help you, but I have to know more about his home and peer group environment. 

Name: MN-MOM | Date: Oct 8th, 2007 3:01 PM
Becks: My son has gone through a lying stage. If he has ADHD, that would explain a lot of it. The "impulsive" part or the "HD" part makes that problem a lot worse. For my son, a combination of appropriate medication and consequences (and be sure you actually follow through) have helped. Also, don't try to "trap" him in a lie. If you know it is a lie, be upfront and deliver consequences immediately. We have also read stories (he really likes books at bedtime) about the "Boy Who Cried Wolf", etc. Unfortunately, the medication seems to have helped him control himself the most, though. 

Name: Becks | Date: Oct 22nd, 2007 6:57 PM
Hi, sorry it has taken ages to reply. My son is 11, I do sit and talk to him about consequenses etc but he doesnt seem to listen at all. I am in the uk so we have national health service and although we arent religious in any way I do raise my children to know that lying is wrong. Im not sure about his peers lying etc. He does the most bizzare things too like cutting all his clothes to shreds.....while he is wearing them!! Although this did only happen a couple of times. There are more bizzare things too, have just got a letter from specialist saying that they will see hime but have to wait for an appointment. 

Name: Jeff | Date: Oct 24th, 2007 1:43 AM
My name is Jeff and I was diagnosed with ADHD 13 years ago. And I did alot of the things that your son is doing. The reason I lied was I was afraid of the reprisal from my parents not to say that they are or were abusive it was just that I didn't want to disappoint them anymore than I thought I already had. I was also the subject to bullying in school especially in middle school. The reason was that I had no friends to rally around they left after my sixth grade year. A good way to prevent bullying is to be in a group of friends. 

Name: Becks | Date: Oct 26th, 2007 5:35 PM
Thanks Jeff. He does have a fair few friends but he doesnt really know how to be a friend. Inapropriate behavior etc. I really dont think he means it and I wonder whether it is just a kid thing. I do try to keep calm with him but this week has been a nightmare esp with half term. I will say though that he does motor sport (karting) and it is something he is very good at, I am wondering if its because it is visual he can "get it". He has a lovely heart just wish I could get through to him 

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