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Name: stresseddad
[ Original Post ]
We have 2 chilren with ADHD. A 9 year old daughter and a 5 year old son. Recently my daughter is becoming more and more violent. We have spoken with doctors and therapists and they say that they have evaluated her and have even uped her daily meds but there is no change. We are worried that she might injur one of our other children but it seems as though no one is willing to help us. We have been told that until she actually does somthing that there is nothing to be done. I am confused about this if she tells the doctor and the therapist that she is angry all the time shouldn't they try to help? We love our kids very much but we do not know where to go now. please some one help.
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Name: wendylacey | Date: May 6th, 2007 5:56 PM
hiya, wot u could try is a card system. this is used in the academy where my kids go too. there is a green, amber, red card. green card=good mood, amber=becoming agitated, red=stay away. its getting ur daughter to understand how she is feeling and how her mood is. this way she can display how she is feeling so ur son and others know if it is safe to approach her or better to leave her alone. am not sure if i hav explained it well enough or how well it works but i am gonna start doing it cos my 12 son who has adhd is quite violent towards my other 10 yr old twin boys. i am also creating a contract which has been developed from discussion as a family. agreed aims to how we want eachother to behave towards eachother and agreed punishments and rewards, wendy 

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