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Name: Matty
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Hi everyone , Iam new to the site . I have a 8yr old son hew has autism ( high functioning) . He is my whole world rapped up in that little body . I love him more than words can express. Me and my wife had him diagnosed at 2yrs of age. He is so gifted in certain areas and smart in others. That is why i say "My son has autism" and not "My son is autistic". His autism is one part of him that we have excepted . My wife and i have been married 11 yrs together for over 16 yrs,yes she is my whole world also. That brings up somthing else ,i have been reading alot of stories over the years about moms that have taken the bull by the horns mentality with autism ,alot like the moms i have read about on this site . I have to say an award should be given out to every one of you , Back to my son Zachary ,he was an early walker at 9 months and started some communication at 12 months. His eating was excellent ,he ate everything. We brought him around people and crowds at the age of 2 months. He always has been a great kid. Then BANG! Mr. Zach ( my nickname for him) started to regress. He started to shut down ,talk about invation of the body snatchers, no verbal ,eating went from you eat it ,i eat it, and now i wont touch it. motor skilles were affected also. So hear goes the uphill crawl with the state the schools and the uneducated educators. Well this is also where my no nonsense wife (who i love to death) KICKS BUTT!!!! She first educated her self , took classes that were offered for free at some of the colleges and hotels around are area. These classes ranged from dealing with your child with autism to thermisol and autism links, also medication treatment. Then she read what seemed to be every book on autism, she started learning the terminology and rented autism awareness videos from library. She also had to find the wright school for are special son . Also she had to get started on medicare waver forms. Like i said before , you moms ROCK!!! Dont get me wrong i did everything she told me to do and then some . She has been a stay at home mom ever since we found out she was pregnant . I thank god i have the typ of job that we can handle the financial end of all this. Last but not least my wife had to educate me ,NO SMALL TASK.... Then my side and her side. Witch was a waist of are time . This is current situation ,we have the same great kid who is in the wright school and is in some great programs such as horse back riding therapy, swimming therapy . His eating has improved talkes a 1000 x better. Motor skills have improved a lot. I dont know what the future will be for my son as far as being undiagnosed . If he needs my wife and me we will be there ALWAYS..... THATS MY FAMILIES STORY =
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Name: toothfairy224 | Date: May 1st, 2008 3:57 AM
Dear Matty,
I just love to hear a Dad write about his family like you have! You are an inspiration to us all. About your Zach......have you and your wife hear anything or read anything about multi sensory therapy for autism? My son had a neurological disorder and while doing all the resesarch etc. to find out what to do I read a lot about autism because it is so talked about with everything going on. Anyway, my point is the therapy I found for my son is a treatment for any neurological disorder which autism definitely is also. This program works. It is a small company run by a woman that has put her entire adult life into reaserching and helping children. My husband and I are both healthcare professionals and we together with our son's MD checked out this therapy fully before deciding to go forward. Thank God we did. Our son is almost done with his treatment and completely well. This same result has happened for many autistic children that have been treated with the same therapy. I want to help spread the word where I can because I feel lucky to have stumbled upon it 2 years ago myself. The love we have for our children helps us to keep searching for a solution and I think from what I read in your email you and your wife are open to hearing about my story. Please know that I have nothing to gain from this. There is no kickback, money, fame etc :) I just want to give parents some other options they might not be aware of. Many children have lost the diagnosis of autism by using this multi sensory therapy. If you would like to know more I would be happy to give more information. the website for the company is unlimitedbrain.com There is a money back guarantee (my husband was happy about this) but of course, the best scenario would be for them to keep your money and help you heal your child, which they have done over and over.....my husband and I spoke and met with 4 parents that completed the program and met 2 children that had lost the autism diagnosis after completing the program. Good luck to you! Molly 

Name: I know | Date: Jun 8th, 2008 9:03 PM
Your wife is very lucky. I don't have the same support which is a shame, the father figure finds it hard to accept that i may know what I'm doing and what I'm talking about.
Mind you your wife sounds like a very special lady. I have accepted that my child may have autism and will learn to live with it as you can't really change it. Try to teach my son how to cope with the world is important and my priority right now. I'm trying but don't feel so great at the moment.
I would love the same support and understanding and hope that it may happen when my son gets properly diagnosed. Who knows. 

Name: There IS Hope | Date: Jul 14th, 2009 4:53 AM
Hi. I work in a school district, as a special-education paraprofessional. I have been blessed to care for and help many different children of various ages, with a variety of challenges. I recently listened to / watched a woman share her incredible story of raising a son with autism. It touched me deeply. Her son was healed, a few years back, and continues to improve in his schooling. I ordered her book and found so much hope in her experience. Hope that applies to everyone, including families with autism but not limited to only autism. My heart goes out to all. If anyone is interested in the details of the book and the radio / t.v. program, please e-mail me at [email protected]. (Since it is my understanding that some things cannot be posted.) With excitement, encouragement, and heart-felt appreciation and compassion to every family touched by especially autism...There IS Hope. 

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