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Name: tashia
[ Original Post ]
I have 3 boys. A perfect 5yr old. A MR /autistic 4yr old and a 2yr old w/PDD. My boys have now leaned to climb over the gates in my house and I need ideas on how to keep them safe. I need some peace of mind for a good nights sleep.
On a slightly different note I also wanted to share alittle. I'm 25 and lucky to have the support of my boys' father. We are a low income bi-racial family. I feel very much lost in the mix you could say. In my state most people receiving services for there childern are well educated, upper class, white stay at home moms. While I share their race my childern do not. While they have play dates my family is left out. All our story's are in one way alike our kids are not what we imagined they would be. All of our familys have gone through their own struggle in coming to terms w/that. I know it was very hard for me the first time but the 2nd time when I found out about my baby I think I wanted to curl up and die. I'm sure alot of you have the same story and that is our bond. Not our race or where we live or how much money we make. So for every one who has been in my shoes and felt invisable please know that you are not and for anyone who may be one of the people who exclude with out though take a 2nd look around you and remember that bond we all share. Because pain is strong glue!

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Name: rain | Date: Jun 30th, 2006 12:43 AM
Hello tashia
here is one site about safety/safety products.
I will be back as soon as I find the good one I am looking for.
You are welcome here. 

Name: rain | Date: Jun 30th, 2006 12:49 AM
Here it is. This has very good items 

Name: tashia | Date: Jun 30th, 2006 2:01 AM
Thank you very for the kind words and the info.
So after I wrote this I read it's common for parents to use door locks is this true? I'm not to sure how comfortable I am with that only because my 2yr old has seizers. So I was thinking about double gateing. It would look alittle like a cage but no worst than a locked door. Y/N I don't know give me your thoughts. 

Name: rain | Date: Jun 30th, 2006 3:03 AM
tashia-read the post that says Autistic Teenager- Just Diagnosed! It is right below yours. The mom Kim speeks about gates. 

Name: Onlinedizzy | Date: Jun 30th, 2006 5:23 AM
Hi Tashia, I have two kids with autism. I felt just like you when I got the diagnosis for my little girl. You would have thought it would be easier second time round but it was worse. As for escaping, we have a house alarm and it covers windows opening too. My little girl tried to go play in the backyard one night- thank goodness we already had the alarm. She is very good at climbing the outside fences if she can find a foothold she is not scared of how high thingsare. We also don't get invited on play dates often and for us its not racial I just think parents aren't comfortable with the autism thing, a lot of friendsseem too have drifted away. When my son attended an autism school we met others that way as it seems parents with autistic children don't get stressed by your kids behavior. 

Name: [email protected] | Date: Jun 30th, 2006 4:57 PM
hi tashia,
im a mom of a 15yr old son, who has only just bee diagnosed with autisum. i understand what you are going through, as ive had to have locks on all of the doors in the house for many years now! i also for a number of years not have not been able to visit freinds. he also wont sleep in his own room since we had thunder & lightning one night about seven years ago. so when we go to bedi i have to lock the door in case he gets out when he wakes up. im also having problems where he can become aggresive towards me & this can be quite scarrey. i ask him why he does these things & he replies, i dont know! i really dont think he can help what he does sometimes & if you are on form its easier to cope with. your words at the end of your email are so true!! 

Name: tashia | Date: Jun 30th, 2006 7:56 PM
Thank you Rain I did check out "autistic teen" I liked her ideas for out side we have some monies form my 4yr olds ssi back pay that could pay for that type gate. Plus we live in a townhouse and are not able to put up real fencing. What was your thought on the double gating? 

Name: Kim Mori | Date: Jul 1st, 2006 2:30 PM
Tashia it's Kim!
Look Darl you just go with whatever you have to at the time, things change, kids get bigger and stronger and you'll know when things have to change! My boy is nearly 13yrs old, that's along way from 4yrs old, my son is Epileptic too but the bottom line is you need to sleep to be their mother, that's as blunt as it gets! I didn't sleep for anymore than 2hours at a time for 4years when Todd was little, you can't do that to yourself or your family it's about alternatives! Even a peep hole in their bedroom door is a good one, you can see them but you haven't got to open the door! Safety First!

Name: Bonnie Sayers | Date: Jul 4th, 2006 9:23 PM
I am the single parent of two boys on the spectrum and we live in Los Angeles. We are low income as well. I am the home health care provider for one son and they get SSI.

I have shared about our experiences and offered tips on my site




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