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Name: Melissa
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Well my son just got his two front bottom teeth in a few days ago. I don't think that he realizes that he has them yet, but boy do my nipples!! My question is how can I get him to not bite me. He has done it twice already and it hurts bad. The first time he just kinda scraped them on my nipple when he pulled away but the second time he chomped it. My nipple turned bright red and had two little purple marks on the underside. I really love breastfeeding but I don't know how much more biting I can take. The last time was yesturday and it still hurts. Especially when I'm nursing on that side. Please any suggestions (except quitting) would be AWESOME!
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Name: Fiona | Date: Apr 23rd, 2006 10:24 PM
If he bites you then take him off the breast and giving eye contact say firmly "no, don't bite". Keep doing this until he gets the message. He won't be doing it on purpose and won't realise that he's hurting you. He's just enjoying trying his new teeth out! 

Name: Melissa | Date: Apr 23rd, 2006 11:41 PM
That is what i did the first time and he just laughed at me. the second time it hurt worse so i yelled (in pain not at him) and it scared him. i'm wondering if the yelling scared him out of not doing it anymore. he hasn't done it all day today. 

Name: cheryl | Date: Apr 24th, 2006 2:47 PM
I am going through the same thing with my daughter!
One of the worst things, i think, is when she is feeding but also wants to see what else is going on and she turns her head still attached to the nipple...OUCH!
I just came to the point the past few days where i starting pumping and giving it to her through a bottle.. i wasn't sure what else to do. i am up for suggestions too. i don't really want to quit quite yet either. 

Name: Melissa | Date: Apr 24th, 2006 6:18 PM
Because of my son biting me the pump hurts more than him nusing does. i'm trying to nurse more on the other side but i have to get the other one empty too. i tried to pump this morning and man did it hurt! it was like he was biting me all over again. anyone have any tips on what i can do while my nipple heals? 

Name: denise | Date: Apr 24th, 2006 9:37 PM
to Cheryl: I am so with you. My son is only 6 weeks, so he's not biting, but he does try to pull away with my nipple still in his mouth.Ouchie 

Name: sonia | Date: Apr 25th, 2006 10:14 PM
My son was bitting me quiet abit a couple of weeks ago. Every time he did it I stopped nursing him and wouldn't nurse him again for a while. I also yelped in pain but this only made him laugh. after a couple of days he quiet bitting thank goodness. I hope he doesn't do it again. 

Name: Erin | Date: May 2nd, 2006 1:55 AM
I'm breastfeeding my 6 month old daughter and a month ago she bit my nipple and I got an infection that took two rounds of antibiotics to get rid of....and the pain of that infection was not fun. (Not sure if her biting caused infection or just coincidence)But, I'm still breastfeeding. She has only bit me once since then, and I just told her "no no". Maybe she'll get the message soon. 

Name: 3 time nursing mom | Date: May 5th, 2006 10:22 AM
Owie! Owie! Owie!

I've done as the others have, saying 'no' sharply with a frowning face. I've also rubbed the gum/teeth area immediately after, frowning, and said 'teeth, teeth give mommy owies' or something along that nature.

If he does it again soon after, pull away again, and refuse the breast for about 5 or 10 minutes. Then just before giving the breast again, speak sternly while touching his teeth saying, 'no teeth, give mommy owies, no teeth!'. And if he bites soon again, pull away again, and say 'no mommy milk' or whatever language he is familiar with.

Essentially do what you as Mom knows will communicate with your Little One that this behaviour is not acceptable, and his nummies will be taken away if he bites.

I have found that they learn pretty quickly. However one of my Little Ones was biting all the time, not really learning. She ended up going almost 3 days without her nummies, because after a few days of having been bit, and the biting behaviour only increasing, I couldn't handle the pain anymore, I needed a break.

I remember this time, even though it was years ago. She wanted her numnums very badly, but I had to tell her no for a couple of feedings because I was very sore, she had gotten to the point of drawing blood. I would give her a bottle of expressed milk while speaking to her about biting and owies...though who knows how much she understood, lol. After the pain had eased a bit, I let her at my breast again, but she bit down again, and I pulled away and did not let her return.

I kept this up, bringing her to the breast at the beginning of a feeding, and then discontinuing as soon as the teeth started to come down, and then giving her a bottle. I also worked with her regarding not biting the bottle.

She was on solids that I would mix with breastmilk so this was something physically she could handle for a limited time. I would express the missed feeding and she would have it in a bottle.

During this time I always offered her the breast, and kept telling her no teeth. It was a painful time for both her and I. Eventually she understood. She was real happy to have them back, and what a joy it was for me to have her latch on properly!

I still remember it all these years later, lol. I was almost disbelieving that she finally got it right, it seemed like forever. I was so relieved because I didn't want to give up nursing (as anyone on this forum will tell you, I am very adament about nursing as long as possible) but I couldn't go on with nipples being constantly attacked by those wickedly sharp incisors. Very painful indeed.

I remember being bound and determined to work with her everyday to get her to not bite, and was determined to get her to keep on breastfeeding, not to have this experience wean her inadvertantly.

A good trick if Little One starts to bite down when (s)he is falling asleep at the breast, get your finger in between their upper and lower teeth/gums asap, and open them up. My latest Little One still sometimes bite down when she is just asleep at the breast, and not let go. Dang! but it can hurt! Fortunately that happens only once every few months, and the pain immediately is gone.

I wish you luck. Remember, it is indeed only temporary. Once you are past this stage, you won't have to worry about it again...until your next Little One. 

Name: Melissa | Date: May 5th, 2006 3:31 PM
Thanks everyone for all your help. so far so good. he hasn't bit me in a while. so hopefully i got through to him. anyway i appriciate all your help!!! 

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