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Name: Melissa
[ Original Post ]
I was just wondering if any of you out there have had any bad experinces with people while breastfeeding. Out in public or visitors or family. I have had a few and was just wondering if I was alone. There have been too many people to count on my boyfriends side of the family that I had to convince that breastfeeding was the best for my son and that it wasnt discusting. Anyways please post, I love hearing others stories!!!!
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Name: Christina | Date: Apr 5th, 2006 5:10 AM
Oh my goodness! Well I plan on breastfeeding, but I'm only 29 weeks along with my first. I haven't quite done it yet..lol. I can't believe these ignorant people though!! What the heck do they think GOD gave us breast for. Like we just have colostrum and then milk for........nothing??? You should counter them and say they're pigs for viewing them as something else.....okay maybe not but it would have felt good. I'm sure glad you stood up to them! Well when I get there and if anyone tells me anything, I'll be sure to post and believe me it'll be a good one because I'll tell them a thing or two!! LOL. I'm not due though until June 18th. 

Name: melissa | Date: Apr 5th, 2006 5:17 AM
i'm glad to hear that u want to breastfeed so bad. almost everyone in my family was breastfed. so i really didn't think twice about it but my boyfriends family was a different story. i have also had a women in a resturant come up to me and ask if i could go to the bathroom to do "that". i looked at her like she was crazy and told her to eat her meal in the bathroom!! 

Name: Lizzi... | Date: Apr 5th, 2006 6:04 AM
When my 7 year old was a baby...I set down with my sister at Mc.Donalds for lunch...nurse baby while I eat...multitasking...a couple at a table near us wouldn't stop staring...we started talking loudly...don't remember what it was about...very inappropriate...remember that much...may have been something to the effect of everyone's gotta eat sometimes...why can't people just realize baby's eat the way God intended them to...have also had little ole ladies come up to me wanting to see the baby...who I was nursing as I was s hopping...but just looked like baby all snugg;ed in... 

Name: 3 time nursing mom | Date: Apr 5th, 2006 10:14 AM
Tell them Michael Jordan was breast fed until he was 3.

Actually, if you go to the La Leche League website, it has a couple of articles that addresses this problem. It has a lot of great facts that you can throw out there to people who do not support you, and you can pick out which one is best for the situation you are faced with.


I am sure that you, like most mothers, are acquiring that skill that allows you to nurse in public without others knowing. In time, if you haven't heard it already, you will hear someone say "Oh how sweet, he's sleeping."
This happened to me even in a public restaurant, in 1985! lol. I knew then I was 'expert', lol. But I had a wonderful teacher in my cousin whom I had lived with when she had babies.

But I too would get remarks, but in time, as I grew more comfortable with nursing, I learned to welcome such interaction for it meant that I had an opportunity to educate this backward country we live in. Women who live outside the U.S. do not have this problem...what a pity we do, eh?

You are definately not alone.

It had once gotten to be pretty severe with me with one critic, an older female family member of my husbands. (Why is is usually the father's side that has such problems with it?)

She would criticize me ahead of others about nursing my Little One. I finally asked her, "If my breasts are not designed for giving my child the best possible start in life, please tell me....what ARE they designed for?" she dropped the subject, speechless.

And when she brought it up one more time, once again ahead of others, I asked her again "(Her name), you obviously think our breasts are designed for something other then feeding our children, that there is something they do that is more important. Will you please tell me and everyone here what that function of our breasts could possibly?" She got very red in the face and then I stated "I have asked you this question before, and then too you have refused to answer. Please, in the future, unless you are willing to support your beliefs, please keep your thoughts about this topic to yourself." This was the last time she told me anything to my face. I am sure she had a mouthful to share with others when I wasn't around, but I chose to make that not my concern. My Little One was more important then her opinion.

Now I don't normally condone such harsh words, but this was a pretty harsh critic that had been wearing me down, and educating her on the benefits of nursing was having no effect. After ridiculing me constantly ahead of others, I finally had enough, and turned the tables on her. Essentially I told her that unless she was willing to publically say that she thought breasts were for pleasing men, then she should just keep it to herself! lol

Another time I was in a group of women, former coworkers, and one was talking about how terrible it was that so and so was still nursing her baby who was '6 months old, for Pete's sake!' I just started laughing, I couldn't help myself. The gals all turned and looked at me, and the backbiter sort of glared, but was sort of confused too. I told them all "My daughter is two....and GUESS WHAT!", the room was silent, the timing perfect..."I'm STILL nursing her!"
I noticed more then a few smiles, that told me that these women were a little tired of hearing that particular person spout her criticism about the nursing mother. And I then took the opportunity to spout some facts about how long women nurse in other countries, about how I know a lot of women who are still nursing, and about the health benefits of nursing. This hit home to the critic, for her son, who was the same age as my daughter, and whom she stopped nursing at 2 months, was a lot more sick then my daughter.

You will be getting critics Melissa, and your best defense is to educate yourself. I love reading books on breastfeeding while nursing my Little One. Know that there are some people you will just never be able to convince, (especially the older generational men, I've noticed...they don't like to talk about it, lol). but you can sure educate a lot more people and make it easier for those who come after us.

Breastfeeding experts tell us that the number one reason women discontinue breastfeeding or choose not to breastfeed in the first place is because the lack of support. It used to be our mothers and our mother's mothers, our aunts, sisters and cousins, supported us, but formula companies altered that line of support for us, telling us their product was better then breastmilk.

Now we have realized the truth of the matter. We have made it illegal for formula companies to make such claims, and we are once again getting back on the right track.

Melissa, you and I, and all the other breastfeeding mothers today are making it right for our children, and their children. By the time our granddaughters are young mothers, they will be able to nurse in public and no one will think twice about it.

I started nursing in 1985. We've come a long way since then.

Hang in there, accept the challenge, and you will find it fun actually.

I do recommend finding a support group if you find yourself struggling too much, like LLL, It will relieve your stress levels, and bring you together with like-minded mothers and children. 

Name: 3x | Date: Apr 5th, 2006 10:16 AM
to the second melissa,

(quoting you)
"i looked at her like she was crazy and told her to eat her meal in the bathroom!! "



You GO girl! 

Name: melissa | Date: Apr 5th, 2006 2:31 PM
i do have a very good support system. my mom breatfed my sister and i and both my grandmothers breastfed. i just like to hear some of the stories that others have. you can't belive some of the things that some breastfeeding mothers go though. just wanted them to know that they are not alone. 

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