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Name: Angela1
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hello. i am having a problem. is it normal thar my son always wants to be on my breast. or he wants to be held i cant even put him down. i have a two yr old also and it makes it very difficult to take care of her at the same time!! can anyone help me? whar should i do? i am temped to stop breastfeeding!!!
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Name: Fiona | Date: Mar 27th, 2006 8:45 PM
My son was like this!!! I nicknamed him Velcro baby. My husband went to the shops once and I needed the loo so I just took the baby with me! *LOL*
If I put him down or stopped breastfeeding he would wail and wail. I couldn't shower or do anything for myself or the house. It was too exhausting so I eventually gave up and just went on to formula.
It's nice to breastfeed, but if you give up and go on to formula I wouldn't feel guilty as you also have a toddler to care for. Nobody told me that breastfeeding was so difficult and time consuming. 

Name: 3 time nursing mom | Date: Mar 29th, 2006 7:40 AM
Hello Angela,

How old is you son? This is very normal for a newborn, and should slow down after 3 months. In the big scheme of things, this is a short time, though I know it seems like an eternity, especially with a two yr old.

Is there anyone you can call in to help you at this time? Family, friends? Consider calling your local La Leche League and go to the meetings. Your two yr old will find many playmates there while you find support. It is amazing how having another experienced breastfeeding friend coming over to hold your Little One while you shower or even run to the playground with your two yr old (as I have had, and I have done) can make a huge difference in your life.

I am convinced that if mothers had the support we deserve, we would not have these troubles and breastfeeding would be the joy it was meant to be, not the stress and work some mothers are experiencing (which is a very valid concern).

I hope you can see yourself through this time. (You don't happen to live in the Twin Cities in MN do you? lol) 

Name: Angela1 | Date: Mar 30th, 2006 5:48 PM
well I went to the doctors yesterday. And they are concerned because my son hasnt gained the appropriate ammount of weight. So they want me to supplement fornula. I am doing it and it has been so nice. My son is actually content because his belly his full. I think I was starving my baby.=( I am still breastfeeding but as soon as I am done I try to give him a formula bottle and he usualy drinks another oz. or two. I really dont want to quit breastfeeding But I dont have enough milk to feed him!! Does anyone know of a way to increase my milk supply so I dont have to give him formula to make him comfortable? 

Name: Fiona | Date: Mar 30th, 2006 9:05 PM
The herb Fenugreek increases milk supply and so do some prescription meds, but you'll have to ask your doctor.

Do a Google search and see what it brings up - there are several herbs which are safe and help, but I can't remember what they are. 

Name: sonia | Date: Mar 30th, 2006 9:47 PM
Be careful with the herbs I took fenugreek and I have asthma. This herb made my asthma worse and I didn't even know it could have that side effect until I went to a lactation consultant. Don't stop breastfeeding it will get easier with time and it is so good for you and your baby. Go to a homeopath for good herbs to increase you supply. supplementing is bad for your milk supply and weight charts are designed for formula fed infants not breastfed ones are you sure you child is underweight? Mine were always small for the charts but were gaining the way a breastfed baby gains. They were happy and healthy and energetic so their weight never really mattered to me. 

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