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Name: DonnaMae
[ Original Post ]
How do I get my husband to set limits for his two teenage girls? One is going to be 17, the other is 14. He says he can't set them because it would interfere with the rules at the ex's house. BTW, there are no rules at the other house, as long as they do their chores, they can do whatever they want. Uhmmm, isn't it OK to have two set's of rules though? I mean, I woke up at four o'clock this morning, and the older one was still on the computer! I think this is so wrong! But he says he is too scared to tell her she needs to be off at a certain time. What can I do to change this? A 17 has no right being on the computer that late! Please help!
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Name: tacomacat | Date: Jul 24th, 2006 8:05 PM
I finally had to set a password on my computer accounts to keep my 13 year old off of it in the middle of the night. It is your computer, you have the right to set a password on it. Go to User Accounts in Control Panel if you have Windows. Also, make sure your account is the only Administrator account. This is what I had to do. There are too many child predators out there on the internet. 

Name: DonnaMae | Date: Jul 24th, 2006 8:25 PM
I would do that, but I don't want to keep them off the computer, I just want to limit the time they spend on it. Is there a timer too? I just can't believe my husband isn't as leary about it as I. Especially because they are girls! Thanks for your advice. 

Name: tacomacat | Date: Jul 24th, 2006 8:57 PM
What I do is this: When my daughter wants to login and use the computer for schoolwork or whatever, I have to punch in the password for her and then I log her off at the end. Just watch out that she doesn't see your password - make it a long one. I don't know about a timer on a computer, maybe that's some type of accessory you could buy. But, it might be too easy to disconnect the timer and it would be a waste of money. 

Name: Serina | Date: Jul 25th, 2006 3:35 AM
Diffrent rules for diiffrent houses is what I say. My mother has diffrent rules then we do too. We all have to adjust some time or another. My step kids mother does not even make them brush their teeth but We do!!!
Get her off the dam computer or at least make sure she can only get on to safe webs. by blocking them.My neice was posting photos of her on My space we found them and she can no longer use the computer ver again.
Your step daughter is NOT 18 yet. Make her safe. You ahave to set rules in your own home.
What is she doing on the computer so late anyway? Sounds like trouble too me
Best of luck!!! 

Name: Sharla | Date: Jul 25th, 2006 2:48 PM
Shes on holiday now, give her a break!! Does it really matter that shes on the computer at 4am, does this affect you negativly? What are your reasons for thinking that she has no right? Do you have any proof that what she does on there is putting her in any danger? Im just curious. 

Name: DonnaMae | Date: Jul 25th, 2006 5:30 PM
Sharla, holiday or no holiday, she still should not be on the computer at that time in the morning. I seriously think midnight is to late. But we give her the benifit of the doubt, and let her do that. My right is that I(we) are the parent, and that is OUR right to keep her safe. I have no proof,other then all you hear on the news with myspace and other rooms.
We had no computers when I was a child, we were lucky to even have a tv. We had a time we had to shut it off, and if it wasn't off at that time, it was taken away. Simple as that.

Tacomacat, how does that work for you? Is she OK with you doing that? Only problem with that for me is I am in bed around ten. That would mean I would have to make it earlier for her to be off. Great advice though! I thin I just may do it.

Serina, you are right, rules are rules, no matter where they are. ANother problem I have with them is that they don't use our accounts. They go through guest, and I haven't been able to find anything that will let them go on as their other screenname, and block things too. But if I want to show them who is boss, I think I can block guest altogether. Hmmmmm 

Name: Serina | Date: Jul 25th, 2006 7:28 PM
You can block guests totally. You can also look in to you copmuters history not to be nosey but just to make sure the sites she is on is safe. On the top of the fram of you web window look of an icon that when you put your mouse on it states History hit it and it will show you what has been viewd. You can set it up bu date so you know what day to look for .
Sorry I have have an apt but will check in with you later if you have questions
Good luck!! 

Name: Lizzi | Date: Jul 26th, 2006 3:08 AM
You certainly can set your own rules in your own house! You need to lay the law down with your husband and the both of you talk to the girls. The 17 yr.old may opt not to come over anymore but she probably won't anyway once she turns 18 so what difference would it make? As for the 14 yr. old,she's got a few years yet and definitely needs to be set straight on some rules. If your husband is not in your corner though,it may be a losing battle unless the girls have any respect for you? If they don't,and your husband won't back you up,your marriage could be on the line if them having their way continues taking it's toll on you. 

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