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Name: amber555
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Hi all - your thoughts please.
I am 27 years old, have been in a troubled marriage for two years. I am 37 weeks pregnant. My husband and I are in the military and he currently lives in the USA and I in Australia. We were both posted to the US and that is where I got pregnant, but I decided to come home after his verbal abuse and our fights became too much (on top of extreme homesickness, hospital visits due to BAD morning sickness and dehydration). I couldn't take his coldness anymore (afraid I would lose this baby) so, after he finshed screaming at me one day to leave (and not in those terms) I did. I have since set up a life back here in Australia and he has expressed a desire to stay married. I want this so much, but his behaviour is getting worse and worse. Even long distance he cant maintain civility and honesty and instead lies about money, his activities (he maintains he hasnt cheated, but does enjoy flirting, which hurts me very badly...) and tells stories to people about my having 'abandoned' him (he screamed at me to leave innumerable times before I did). He makes me feel guilty for not returning to the US as soon as he changed his mind and wanted his family-to-be back (I have to be sure this is the right thing to do before I uproot myself and eventually my newborn son again). He seems to have no remorse over the way he treats me and I get no support from his side of the family, with them being from the 'he is your husband and it's just something you have to accept' school of thought.
It is at the point now where I think divorce would be the best long term solution. I dont want my son growing up to see his parents fighting, and I know deep down (I'm not silly) that he cant truly love or respect me if he is treating me this way. But I'm so scared of being a single mum and going through my whole life with a nasty ex (as that is what I sure he would become).
Should I stick this out for my sons sake, or leave for the same reason? My husband has been given the option of returning to Australia and has turned it down (he cant want to piece this marriage together that badly) I am tired of crying my pregnancy away. Please help with advice...
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Name: ELAINE | Date: Jul 31st, 2006 9:47 PM
No girl do what you need for you and your baby im 19weeks and my husband verbaly abuse me as well. And his family tells me the same things. You don't have to take it and you can do it on your own don't think you always need a man to complete a family. Go with what your heart tells you i've been with my husband for almost 13yrs and he still doesn't change and i'm only 29 i have an 11yr old with him as well but once this baby is born if he doesn't change well then i'll have to do whats best for me and my kids because most likely they don't and won't change. Don't hange in there im going to counsiling right now and my counsiler tells me your only giveing him more power by staying because i tryed to get my hubby to come witrh me and when he did he got up and left after the counsiler started to tell hin that what he was don was amotionally and mintally and verbaly abuseing me and he got spist off and left so now im just doing it for my self and from there will see what happens.
But you can do it i no you if your not sure wait till your baby is born try not to worry about it because your baby feels everything you feel. 

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